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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. you have to look around the next to find what ya like thats just a some up of what and how to do it you can try giffy website and upload it to your server
  2. PayPal Business or Premier account at paypal How to do it: Go to your admin panel: Appearance > Widgets > add a Widget. Widget definition : HTML Widget key: Donate_by_Dan Title: Donate! Forums list: Forum list: Sidebar Positioning: You can choose where you want it to sit. Now log into your Paypal account (Must have a PayPal Business or Premier account at paypal) Log in to your PayPal Business or Premier account at paypal. Once Your PayPal account Summary page opens. At the top of the page, select Tools, and then All Tools. Scroll to the PayPal buttons tile and click Open. Select the type of button you want to create. The Create PayPal payment button page opens and displays the button's configuration options. Under 'Template:' copy and paste this: <!--Début : Donate_by_Dan --> <div class="block-container" style="text-align:center;"> <b>Please take a moment to donate to this site, by using Paypal</b><br><br> PAYPAL CODE HERE </div> <!--Fin : Donate_by_Dan--> Then when you've made the donate button how you want it to be, copy and paste the html code from Paypal to where it says 'PAYPAL CODE HERE' (you can delete this)
  3. if i think what you want this is the css tutorial add to css /* Primary Menu */ .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a:before, .ipsNavBar_secondary > li > a:before{ content: "\f00b"; font-family: "FontAwesome"; font-size: 10px; font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; margin-bottom: -2px; margin-right: 3px; opacity: 0.6; line-height: 1; } /* The User menu and Create */ #elUserLink_menu a:before, #elCreateNew_menu a:before{ content: "\f02b"; font-family: "FontAwesome"; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; margin-bottom: -2px; line-height: 1; } #elUserLink_menu a[href*="admin"] i{ display: none; } #elUserLink_menu a:before, #elCreateNew_menu a:before{ display: inline-block; width: 22px; opacity: 0.7; } #elUserLink_menu a:hover:before, #elCreateNew_menu a:hover:before{ opacity: 1; } /* Add Icon on the primary navigation bar */ .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Browse'] > a:before{ content: "\f005" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='club'] > a:before{ content: "\f1b3" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Support'] > a:before{ content: "\f1cd" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Forums'] > a:before{ content: "\f086" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Gallery'] > a:before{ content: "\f030" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Downloads'] > a:before{ content: "\f019" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Articles'] > a:before{ content: "\f15c" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Blogs'] > a:before{ content: "\f02d" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Calendar'] > a:before{ content: "\f073" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Chat'] > a:before{ content: "\f27a" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Staff'] > a:before{ content: "\f007" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Users Online'] > a:before{ content: "\f0c0" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Activity'] > a:before{ content: "\f0ac" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Search'] > a:before{ content: "\f002" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Guidelines'] > a:before{ content: "\f0e3" } .ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li[data-FontAwesome='Tutorials'] > a:before{ content: "\f19d" } /* Add Icon on the secondary navigation bar */ .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Browse'] > a:before{ content: "\f00b" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='club'] > a:before{ content: "\f1b3" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Support'] > a:before{ content: "\f1cd" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Forums'] > a:before{ content: "\f086" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Gallery'] > a:before{ content: "\f030" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Downloads'] > a:before{ content: "\f019" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Articles'] > a:before{ content: "\f15c" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Blogs'] > a:before{ content: "\f02d" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Calendar'] > a:before{ content: "\f073" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Chat'] > a:before{ content: "\f27a" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Online Users'] > a:before{ content: "\f0c0" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Activity'] > a:before{ content: "\f0ac" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Search'] > a:before{ content: "\f002" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Todays Activities'] > a:before{ content: "\f06e" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='My Searches'] > a:before{ content: "\f00e" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Unread Content'] > a:before{ content: "\f111" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='My Created Content'] > a:before{ content: "\f005" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Guidelines'] > a:before{ content: "\f0e3" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Tutorials'] > a:before{ content: "\f19d" } .ipsNavBar_secondary > li[data-FontAwesome='Staff'] > a:before{ content: "\f132" } /* Add Icon on the user bar */ /* Profile */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='profile'] > a:before{ content: "\f007" } /* Attachments */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='attachments'] > a:before{ content: "\f0c6" } /* Followed Content */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='manageFollowed'] > a:before{ content: "\f1d8" } /* Administrator Panel */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='content'] > a:before{ content: "\f03a" } /* Account Configurations */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='settings'] > a:before{ content: "\f013" } /* Mod Panel */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='modcp'] > a:before{ content: "\f132" } /* Admin Panel */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='admincp'] > a:before{ content: "\f023" } /* Logout */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='signout'] > a:before{ content: "\f08b" } /* Clients */ #elUserLink_menu a[href*="/clients/"]:before{ content: "\f07a" } /* Edit */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='edit'] > a:before{ content: "\f040" } /* Ignored Users */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='ignoredUsers'] > a:before{ content: "\f235" } /* Options */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='options'] > a:before{ content: "\f0ac" } /* Messages */ #elUserLink_menu > li[data-menuItem='messages'] > a:before{ content: "\f01c" } /* Add Icon on create bar */ /* Default icon that is displayed if you do not add */ #elCreateNew_menu a:before{ content: "\f0fe" } /* Announcement */ #elCreateNew_menu a[href*="/announcements/"]:before{ content: "\f0a1" } add to navbar items <li {{if $item->active()}}class='ipsNavBar_active' data-active{{endif}} id='elNavSecondary_{$item->id}' data-role="navBarItem" data-navApp="{expression="mb_substr( get_class( $item ), 4, mb_strpos( get_class( $item ), '\\', 4 ) - 4 )"}" data-navExt="{expression="mb_substr( get_class( $item ), mb_strrpos( get_class( $item ), '\\' ) + 1 )"}" data-FontAwesome="{$item->title()}">
  4. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.3 Forum Icons

    show an image where you are try to put the icons at
  5. do you even kno how 2 do it even if its generated it should work something you are doing wrong
  6. you do have ip address ban filters you have to set that up Ban Settings!!! you can check your spam logs in the spam section check all that applies to you
  7. some members might not be interested in this topic who know
  8. did you look in ya theme setting if you are trying to add your on header it should be there Turn on your own background in header?
  9. this will work you have to upload to your server for it to work <span style='color: #9572ff; background: url(Image/sparkle_purple.gif); font-weight: bold;'>
  10. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 login system erro

    i would try and use a diffrent theme and not the one you are using try that i think that theme is giving issue with i have tested that them there might be some bugs in it
  11. check all you plugins and application one of them could be doing that
  12. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    i dont kno why you are having these issues with all your forums it could be some coding issue or a plugin i never ran in to that issue!!!!
  13. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    try changing ya setting Login & Registration to Yes, with full registration form
  14. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    have u done any codeing or add a new plugin
  15. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    try changing the settings
  16. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    witch one do you have it set on mine is this one
  17. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 reCAPTCHA error

    try changing the theme see if that help and all you sitting are set
  18. you can all so try this from ipsfucus Header background image
  19. did you change anything Groups permission over look it again and see whet going on
  20. what theme are u using,,,, it should look like this background-image: url('your image folder');
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