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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. yes there is you need to download the plug in if its there autowelcom 1. Is there a possibility to create a new member and that member sends automatically Welcome message to new Registered members. and for ranks we have a tutorial on this just look around
  2. you have to add it to your server look for Cron Jobs and than you will need to change your task to 0777 under your public folder where your ips is being hosted
  3. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Icons Help

    can you add an image of wht you are doing so wee get a clear view
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Additional Requirements php 5.6+ Password Tools This modification mostly follows the principles of Dan Wheelers password strength estimator zxcvbn. It does not weight password strength by their combination of upper/lower letters, special characters and numbers, but on how easy they are to crack in reality. To increase the safety of your users account, you can force them to use passwords of a minimum length, minimum strength and even force them to exclude certain words from their passwords (like your site name, the topic your site refers to, etc.). But the other side of the equation, is no matter how secure the password is, if it has been compromised not password strength estimator will help make it better. As such NIST has the following guidance: check passwords against those obtained from previous data breaches. Pwned Password integration does that. zxcvbn is a password strength estimator inspired by password crackers. Through pattern matching and conservative entropy calculations, it recognizes and weighs 10k common passwords, common names and surnames according to US census data, popular English words, and other common patterns like dates, repeats (aaa), sequences (abcd), keyboard patterns (qwertyuiop), and l33t speak. Consider using zxcvbn as an algorithmic alternative to password policy — it is more secure, flexible, and usable when sites require a minimal complexity score in place of annoying rules like "passwords must contain three of {lower, upper, numbers, symbols}". Features Show password feature, allow users to toggle to see what they have actually entered. Show users how strong their passwords really are when it comes to crack-attempts Deliver instant feedback if password and password-confirm match and/or certain requirements are not met Force users to choose passwords with a minimum strength Force users to choose passwords with a minimum length Force users to chooce a password not containing words from a blacklist you define No cheating: This modification also controls users passwords on server side with Ben Jeavos php-implementation of zxcvbn. Easy styling through XenForo Style Properties
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Prevent users from changing or restoring their passwords
  6. ok good but what you might have done when you installed you might have put wrong password
  7. you will need to look for core_admin_login_logs your password should be there i think you change it see if that works
  8. look in you phpmyadmin on server it should be there look around for your core members and see if you can change the password cause if its a fresh install your password might not be matching up
  9. are you getting any err php on your server see if it make an errr php file
  10. try changing the password on your server
  11. are you trying to do some thing like for the admin group you would have to do edit in the postcontianer this or something else and add the rest to css like the way i have it
  12. i would start here see if you can find the answer faster Sitemap
  13. it in your profile in the admin Groups Group Formatting you will need to add your own everybody community is diff no need to copy from one forum to yours
  14. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Header Button Spacing

    dont know what you are trying to do an image would be better but you would have to make all your changes in your theme!!! i listed what you need to do this is for your subforums its in you theme css code_nexx_fw_css bite need to change .ipsDataItem_subList li { float: left; width: calc(70% / 2 - 5px); width: calc(70% / 2 - 5px); the header i assume would be in the same place
  15. you know you can custom your folder on your server you can do this with your test site you would have to go into you admin and files system make the folder upload theme to your server and change to the path it will keep all your images and file in the right folders so you can fix issues later
  16. t the forumRow template look for this code and either remove it or comment it out. <li>{template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$lastPost['author'], 'tiny'"}</li> this will remove the avatar from the front end of your community
  17. you have to be patients some 1 will get to you soon or after the holiday members do spend time with fam
  18. This Is A Guide For Adding A Staff Member With Out A Addon Creating a staff directory for you community can be useful for all sorts of reason. Maybe just so that your members can see the staff just at a glance, or maybe you run a gaming community where the Staff may actually be staff within your game. Whatever the reason, you can create a staff directory with ease in the IPS4 Admin CP. Creating a Directory To add a staff directory, visit Members>Staff>Staff Directory, from within your admin CP. By default you will first see this (if you expand the 2 groups) with the administrator and moderators groups already added. You can add either groups or individual members to a category within this page by clicking on the plus icon at the side of any group. To add a new category click on Create Category. Once you have clicked the plus to add a member or group to a category. You will be presented with one of 2 sets of information to enter. If it is a group then you would simply select the group. If a member then there are also other items you can select here You will note that you can change what you display for the member if you are entering an individual into the staff directory. This is handy if for example you wish to show someones real name or something different. So I may have a member called X2201 and want to show them as Dave (X2201) so its clear who the person is. This is the same with the user title, so they may have "Happy Guy" where I may want to put "Clan Leader" for example. Directory Display You can change the way in which the directory is displayed my changing the display of each category. You can change these by selecting the pencil icon at the right of any category in the list. Once selected you will be shown a screen similar to the below. You can choose from any of the layouts provided, and can even create more layouts if you are a more advanced user. Using these options you can create some great layouts Advanced Layout Usage It is possible to create custom layouts for the Staff Directory page. You will need to write the templates using HTML, so to do this you will need to be familiar with HTML, as well as basic PHP logic. In the AdminCP, go to Customization -> Themes and click the "Edit HTML and CSS" button for your default theme. Then, from the "New" dropdown, choose "HTML Template". You can name the template whatever you like, and fill the rest of the form out with the following details: Variables: $users Location: Add to an existing location Existing Location: front Group: Add to an existing group Existing Group: staffdirectory Application: System You will then need to navigate to your newly created template within the many on the left (it will be under core -> front -> staffdirectory) and here is where you write the HTML code for your template. The template will be passed a $users variable which is an array of \IPS\core\StaffDirectory\User objects. Your code can include template logic and template tags You can use one of the existing templates as an example. After this you will also need to create another template with the same name (and settings above) but with "_preview" appended to the name (for example, if the template you just created is called "myCustomLayout" the template you create now will be "myCustomLayout_preview") which contains the HTML to display on the form when creating a Staff Directory group in the AdminCP. Since you know what the layout will look like, you can make this quite simple. You will need to repeat these steps for every theme you have installed (except child themes which will inherit the templates of their parents). Once this is done, when creating a Staff Directory group, you will see the template you have created as one of the available options.
  19. are u using ipb and what version we have something like this if you can get the update for this that made this you can use this best-answer-on-discussions-forums
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Latest version of the dutch translation for XenForo 2.1 This version is based on previous translations, mainly the 1.5 translation (with permission of the author). Since then, I have added, reviewed and streamlined hundreds of phrases based on feedback from my own forum. My goal is to make a solid translation and keep it up to date. You can expect regular updates of this translation! Managing languages (recommended) If you want to use this language, but also want to keep your own customized phrases, I highly recommend to use the follow steps. It is basically the same approach as the template system: This way you can frequently update the language pack 'Nederlands - origineel' while keeping your own customizations in your own language pack called 'Nederlands'. To prevent your users from selecting 'Nederlands - origineel' you will need to install a small add-on. Instructions: Install this add-on to hide certain language packs from your users: [XenDACH] LimitLanguageUsage Import the dutch language pack as a new language called 'Nederlands - origineel' Create a new language pack called 'Nederlands' and make sure to use the exact same settings as 'Nederlands - origineel' Make 'Nederlands' child of 'Nederlands - origineel' Now, you can disable 'Nederlands - origineel' (that's why you installed the add-on). This prevents users from selecting this language. They will only see your customized version called 'Nederlands'
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