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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. nobody is going to tell you how to set up your store like webflake you have to do it your self you can do it from here help ips
  2. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Member Validation

    switch hosting i use Flaunt7 with dmc nore its pretty good im in nj so it take awhile for them to answer my support
  3. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Member Validation

    why dont you make a new email address like google and set it has default for when member register that would be the best options or ask your hosting to set up the email for you
  4. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 RSS feeds

    i would re do it cause the </p> <p> should not be there mine dont look like that witch i can not share and for webflake i cant say how webflake has theres i would just do a new one if there is an issue and see if it still comes up the same way
  5. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 RSS feeds

    that dont look normal to me u should delet that and start a new one see if it dose it again
  6. go to your theme and it will say Icons & Logos and change or add
  7. Go to forums -> font -> index -> index . Find: <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull'> Change to: {{if $category->_id == 1 && !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->inGroup( array(4, 2) )}} <div class="ipsFlex ipsFlex-jc:center ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-fd:column cForumRow_premium"> <h2> Premium department </h2> <p> Get premium here </p> </div> {{endif}} $ category -> _ id - stands for the category ID. ! \ IPS \ Member :: loggedIn () -> inGroup (array ( 4, 2 )) - means groups that have access to the category Paste CSS code: .cForumList li[data-categoryid="1"].cForumRow { position: relative; } .cForumRow_premium { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); z-index: 1; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; line-height: 0; font-size: 30px; color: #fff; } [data-categoryid = "1"] - means the category ID
  8. you can add it in your theme section or add the codes
  9. do you have Callback URL /oauth/callback/ set up for it to work and check all your permissions in twitter apps
  10. first of all you are posting in the wrong section!! if you have pages on your ip board there custom block there just look around copy and past it in the html part of the blocks
  11. there should be a plugin for that but its an older version of ip or you can make your own custom codes just look around
  12. that website was taken down its no longer there
  13. its in you admin on the left side just move it down to the bottom of your froums
  14. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Header Button Spacing

    that would be in the same section just look around and change what you need that would be in the css there is a new one that was upload to webflak see if that one will work
  15. oh well i just add that just n case he want to do something like that the css i made the from the codes i found
  16. you can custom it threw the postcontianer go to your theme look for this {{if $comment->author()->member_id replace it with this no need of plugin {{if $comment->author()->member_id == 1}} <div class='importantprsn'>Important person</div> add to css and the effect will look like that .importantprsn { padding: 12px 10px; font-size: 10px; background: transparent url('/Image/') repeat 50% 50%; color: #fff }
  17. you have to do this in your postcontianer if you have the codes
  18. it might be doing that because something you have thats an old version of ip or you might have a coding issue try to disable all your plugins and you apps see if that works than go down the list one by one
  19. check all your php extensions make sure they are correct
  20. Version 1.0.0


    XenForo Romanian 2.2.8 Here you can find the Romanian language of Xenforo 2.0 (Aici gasesti traducerea in Limba Romana pentru Xenforo 2.0) Info's: Install instruction in the archive Translated phrases: Beta Terms of Usage: Please do report any issues found to be fixed a.s.a.p.
  21. thats going to happen we are waiting for the theme to be shard here for now it will stay there sorry
  22. i removed these two and it seems to work but on the front end as guest it will not show theme or privacy or contact only show to members {template="cb__nexxe__footer__menu" app="core" group="_nexxe" params=""} <div id='cb-nexxe__bottom__content--copyright' class='cb-nexxe__bottom__content--copyright'> you have to reset your footer theme
  23. in your group admin Group Formatting dont for get to add </span>
  24. thats not a rank thats a group icon witch would be this <span class='defaultGroup admin'><i class="fa fa-shield Administrator</span>
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