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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Help

    show an image what you are trying to do nobody understand what you are saying
  2. I just wanna know the coding to this. Could someone share. Idk if its a java, css, or html/php coding. can someone share.
  3. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 help

    did you check your server it could be on them could be blocking your nulled software
  4. did you do any codeing lately try to re-upload your ips see if that helps
  5. Hello Was wondering if there is anyway someone can tell me what the css or code is for the 8 year webflake user. Its under there name. I really wanna know it would mean alot i been seeing there in alot of areas.
  6. mr-pimpen

    IPS 4.6 Avatar Frame

    that wont work at all the coding is for xenforo i tryed to move things round
  7. xenforo has change over the year so some of this codes dont work so here is an update you can add it <xf:ad position="forum_view_below_stickies" arg-forum="{$forum}" />
  8. got it to work just now there is one to many </div>
  9. mr-pimpen

    XF 2.0 Custom User Style

    i have Custom User Style when i go to install this shows up any one know how to fix this i can share it and you can fix it this is what it should look like when installed
  10. it would be nice to see animage so we can know what is going on that would be better so you can gt the right answer
  11. 1 there is know webflake theme on this website its custom and they will not share 2 it and nobody is going to tell you how to set it up like theme 3 you have to do it your self there are tutorial in the community to build your own trackers sorry to be so blunt but if you need help with any other thing we will try to help you
  12. Version 1.0.0


    With this plugin site owners can connect a Patreon campaign to their forum allowing members to link their Patreon accounts. Connected members can gain access rights and be shown in top lists helping the monetization of your site. Requires a free Patreon API key / Client which can be obtained here. Features All campaign data will be pulled automatically - The ACP allows easily to assign Patreon tiers to user groups. The campaign image, description text and join button can be shown in a widget. Members can link and unlink their accounts to Patreon form the user menu Settings > Connect Patreon Account. Linked members can be assigned to user groups according to their pledge tier. If a member changes their pledge or unlinks their account the user group assignments can be removed automatically. Widgets for current goal, top patrons and new patrons. Widgets show join campaign link for members that are not already a patron. Pledges, goals and campaign information will be automatically updated in the background to stay up to date. How to Install Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file After installation a free Patreon Client ID and Refresh Token have to be added in the settings. The Client can be created here. Notes The patreon API is currently not maintained by patreon but still working fine. Only $ based goals are supported. Other plugins
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Scrollsequence PRO v1.1.7 NULLED - cinematic image scrolling animation WordPress Scrollsequence PRO allows you to create stunning image sequence animations that can be manipulated with the mouse wheel or touch. Makes it easy to convey a powerful message. Plugin site: https://scrollsequence.com/ Bring your site to life in just a few clicks. You can use it to create eye-catching animation sequences on your homepage or in individual posts and pages to offer your visitors a more cinematic and fun way to use your content. Optimized for SEO - all content visible to search engines Load the backend gallery and select Drag and drop reordering of images, scenes and animations Elementor compatible Image preloading and caching engine HTML5 Canvas image drawing technology Responsive image rendering with resize and alignment options Image opacity and color settings background Animated page loading screens WYSIWYG editor with shortcode and oEmbed HTML elements in scroll animation Scroll speed settings Fallback option when user has javascript disabled Hide / Show footer and sidebar options Built-in WordPress shortcode support
  14. mr-pimpen

    XF Legacy XenForo XML Help

    its in the download section let me kno if you need any others i have over 200 updated xenforo add-ons
  15. by removing this it takes away from the light theme cant change this but high five <script type="text/javascript" src='{resource="_nexxe/change_dark.js" app="core" location="global"}'></script>
  16. mr-pimpen


    Version 1.0.2


    Additional Requirements - PHP7.4+ - XF2.2+ - Google Geocoding API - Google Maps JavaScript API - Google Maps Static API - Google Places API A membermap based on XenForo user location field with opt-in. Functions Membermap based on Google Maps Geocode, JavaScript and Staticmap API The map use the default XenForo location field with OptIn for every user Permissions and map markers per user group Map marker clustering Choose between 4 different map types (Roadmap, Hybrid, Terrain and Satellite) Default map coordinates and zoom in options Enable/Disable POI on membermap Enable/Disable clustering on membermap Checking if Api key is valid/available when entering in options Minimize the api calls Static mini map per user in account an as widget available 3 different widgets are available (Stats, Legend and Minimap (User based)) Ignored user hidden on map Logs in ACP per Api call with response in detail view
    the sidebar dont show after install it very poor you cant even change the logo you would have to manually rest the logo
  17. mr-pimpen

    XF Legacy XenForo XML Help

    if its a xml file its not going to work i will upload members map on here just give it some time for it to show up in the download section
  18. mr-pimpen

    XF Legacy XenForo XML Help

    there is now here that is going to go i would think in the Styles section import but i have the members map dont look like that
  19. mr-pimpen

    XF Legacy XenForo XML Help

    what are you trying to do any way are you talking about a theme xml file
  20. you have posted in the wrong section you need to post in support
  21. change your theme see if that works it my be a plugin issue or coding
  22. ok good if that happens again its an out date plugin or apps or a bad coding just check ever thing you change so u can go back and fix it good luck
  23. did you just install that and any plugin you add yet try to disable all the applications see witch one is doing it
  24. we will help you every way we can when i said about webflake its because every one is o ways try to make there website like webflak if you can show some images to what you want it would give us an idea of what you want to do invasion power board has the basics on how to set things up try to start there
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