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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. thats a little tricky because when you change the file it seem to go back to the copywright look for this with in the file https://axendev.net/ open on your server daf308658e1b8369aceccf0233aee88c_swiper-bundle.min.js try to look for the auto reverse
  2. you will need to remove the them that you add its might not be for that version of xenforo over look your uploads for your add ons you might need to reupload your files
  3. dont ask if thats going to be your answer smart guy
  4. i have the add on makes it more easer than hard code it
  5. try this with out changing the postcanainer .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large::after { width: 210px; height: 210px; }
  6. na why you just dont use Shoutbox foro xenfor
  7. we need to know what you are trying to do and is this for ips xenforo exta and can you provide an image to what you are trying to do!
  8. span class="rangaGA"><i class="fa-duotone fa-circle-dashed fa-spin"></i> Właściciel</span> css you are missing <span class="rangaGA this all wrong it should look like this <span style="font-weight: bold; background: linear-gradient(45deg, red, blue); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"> add to Group Formatting not css
  9. mr-pimpen

    Edit menu

    are they subforums with in your community from it look like it if so you have the setting in ya theme to spread them out if you mean the colors of them here are the codes add to css and change the numbers [data-forumid="2"] .ipsDataItem_title > a { color: #556e53; /* Kolor "A Test Forum" */ } [data-forumid="2"] .ipsDataItem_subList > li:nth-child(1) a { color: #f87d09; /* Kolor "Test 1" */ } [data-forumid="2"] .ipsDataItem_subList > li:nth-child(3) a { color: #a9c52f; /* Kolor "Test 3" */ } .ipsDataItem_title > a:hover, .ipsDataItem_subList > li > a:hover { color: #ad1457 !important; }
  10. there not going to tell you that there are other hosting you can get like offshore best way to go
  11. check all your setting in your admin!! or you could moderat links be for they are posted on the forums Only allow secure images? If any link is posted, the content will be held for moderator approval. so you dont get these err from your members thats what i would do.
  12. you will need to edit the theme you are using!!! search---elCreateNew look for this in the userBa <a href='#elCreateNew_menu' id='elCreateNew' data-ipsTooltip data-ipsMenu title='{lang="create_menu_title"}'> <i class='fa fa-plus'></i> &nbsp;{lang="create_menu"} <i class='fa fa-caret-down'></i> </a> and remove it and the magic has been done
  13. you can try https://trentahost.com/
  14. you will need to go to your server uploads where the theme is and look for this file 66bb23eae1e1dfabddf1b2477f707e7b_swiper-bundle.min.js edit in there than you are going to refresh ya site
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Reliable, powerful and most beautiful WordPress File Manager plugin with many beautifully designed themes. Access your server files in the most secure way with the best WordPress File Manager plugin. Several beautiful themes for every taste. Remove the dependency on the FTP or SFTP application. Saves time and effort. Very easy to use. Control access to files using a user ID or user role. Info Secure File Manager Pro makes managing your server's files easier than ever. Create, Delete, Edit, Upload, Upload, Compress (Zip): All the basic file management tasks you need to do on a daily basis. FTP and SFTP support: Connect to external servers via FTP or SFTP. Manage everything from one place: Manage all your server files from one place - your WordPress dashboard. Access Control: Manage and configure access to server files by user role or user ID. And more ... Secure File Manager Pro v1.5 NULLED
  16. you can add this in your css it will work just change what needs to be .pec[data-group_id="4"] { } aside.pec[data-group_id="4"] { background: url("/Image/giphy.gif") repeat 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; } aside.pec[data-group_id="4"] { background: #ff0000 !important; background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%, #18138e 92%) !important; background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #ff0000 0%,#18138e 92%) !important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff0000 0%,#18138e 92%) !important; } than go to post container look for <article {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}data-memberGroup="{$comment->author()->member_group_id}" {{endif}} id='elComment_{$comment->$idField}' class='cPost ipsBox {{if $otherClasses}}{$otherClasses}{{endif}} ipsComment {{if ( settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_highlight and $comment->reactionCount() >= settings.reputation_highlight ) OR $comment->isFeatured()}}ipsComment_popular{{endif}} ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}ipsComment_highlighted{{endif}}{{if $comment->isIgnored()}}ipsHide{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() OR $item->hidden() === -2}}ipsModerated{{endif}}'> change with <article {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}data-memberGroup="{$comment->author()->member_group_id}" {{endif}} id='elComment_{$comment->$idField}' class='pec cPost ipsBox {{if $otherClasses}}{$otherClasses}{{endif}} ipsComment {{if ( settings.reputation_enabled and settings.reputation_highlight and $comment->reactionCount() >= settings.reputation_highlight ) OR $comment->isFeatured()}}ipsComment_popular{{endif}} ipsComment_parent ipsClearfix ipsClear ipsColumns ipsColumns_noSpacing ipsColumns_collapsePhone {{if $comment->author()->hasHighlightedReplies()}}ipsComment_highlighted{{endif}}{{if $comment->isIgnored()}}ipsHide{{endif}} {{if $comment->hidden() OR $item->hidden() === -2}}ipsModerated{{endif}}' data-group_id='{$comment->author()->member_group_id}'> than look for <aside class='ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> change with <aside class='pec ipsComment_author cAuthorPane ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium ipsResponsive_hidePhone' data-group_id='{$comment->author()->member_group_id}'>
  17. remove the favicon and try doing it manually see what happens <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="icon" href="/favicon" type="image/x-icon"> this would be in the globe forum
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a sports WordPress theme, the best solution for basketball, soccer, American football team, club, league and sports news site. Several versions of pages, information blocks, game results and much more, so you can choose the one that you like best! Lots of statistics and game maps such as last game results, team leaders, team statistics, tactical chart, timelines, logs, top leagues, awards, game history and much more! FULL SPORTS TOPIC WITH SPORTSPRESS Built using the best sports WordPress sports management plugin WordPress, The Alchemists is a comprehensive WordPress theme for sports teams, players, clubs, leagues or magazines. SportsPress includes a complete set of tools to build and customize your dream sports site, so heaven is the limit! Designed with your wishes in mind, The Alchemists provides you with everything you need for a sports site, including matches, results, league tables, player profiles, stats and ratings, club profiles, event calendar, match reviews, detailed match reviews, venue information and maps. , news and updates, countdown to next match, sports presets, merchandise store and more! preview of theme
  19. Version 1.0.0


    A WordPress template to help you build gaming communities. Users can create teams and tournaments and challenge each other, track matches, share content, and more! preview of theme
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Blackhole Pro adds hidden link to your pages. You add a rule to your robots.txt file that tells bots to stay away. Good bots will obey the rule, but bad bots will ignore it and follow the link ... right into the trap of the black hole. Trapped bad bots are blocked and unable to access the entire site. Benefits include: - Stops leeches, crawlers and spammers - Saves server resources for humans and good bots - Improves traffic quality and overall site security Blackhole Pro v2.9 NULLED blackhole-pro
  21. are your php set up right check to see what php your using
  22. you can try this one <span style="font-weight: bold; background: linear-gradient(45deg, green, orange); -webkit-background-clip: text; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;"> just change the color to what you want
  23. i be leave you will need to change from nulled with the license key and than upload the files to your server im not shore
  24. you can do it like this or the link from webflake-- upload what you want to your sever and the url to upload <img src="https://www.yoururl/Images/anything here"><span style='font-weight:bold;color:red'> groups
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