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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. Put your template code for userinfopane in a code tag in a spoiler tag(bbcode) and then we can check it for you.
  2. PM me a admin url & login and I will look at it.
  3. In the mail settings did you do this one PHP Mail Settings PHP mail extra options Example: [email protected] will force a 'From' header. If not try that one..
  4. None I can think of other than what you have posted you have tried already and you followed what para told you correctly.
  5. Where would you like to put that? And would you like it as a popup or permanent display on the board for guests?
  6. If you want send me an admin login and url and a cpanel login and url if you have one.
  7. No they won't. They might say to take some time and read the documentation and test the options in the acp. But nothing like you said. @Para I have found many hooks and apps that get stuck and won't delete. @elby If you have access to phpmyadmin you will need to find the core_applications or core_hooks or core_sys_settings_titles tables. Find the record that has that name under title and delete that record. If it is not there it is probably hard coded in the skin. If you need help pm me your site url admin login and cpanel or phpmyadmin login and I will help.
  8. Just change to this <if test="$this->memberData['member_id']>0"><iframe src="home.html" width="170%" height="700" frameborder="0" name="main" id="main"></iframe></if>
  9. Sign up with a new user. Then use phpmyadmin to change the member_group_id field to 4. You will then be a admin again. You should be able to access the acp.
  10. Is this fixed? If not you can try using phpmyadmin to browse the table login_methods Make sure only the first record IPB Internal has the field login_enabled has the value of 1...
  11. You only have 2 choices. Use the code inside an iframe. Or install one the apps like pages to keep it within the skin framework.
  12. Then I think you don't have any. In the boarindextemplate do you also have this <if test="sideBarEnabled2:|:$this->templateVars['sidebar_enabled']"> <div id='index_stats' class='ipsLayout_right clearfix' <if test="sidebarclosed2:|:IPSCookie::get('hide_sidebar') == '1'">style='display: none'</if>> <foreach loop="side_blocks:$side_blocks as $block"> {$block} </foreach> </div> <a href='#' id='toggle_sidebar' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sidebar']}' data-closed="{$this->lang->words['_laquo']}" data-open="&times;">&nbsp;</a> </if> If yes change the first line of the one you showed to this <if test="recenttopics:|:is_array( $topics ) && count( $topics )==100"> That will stop the first one from showing. If it doesn't work change it back.
  13. also try below.. Do you have ip.portal or ip.content or uportal? If so make sure you don't have a recent topics there with the setting to show on board index also.
  14. Check the hooks section in acp and see if there are 2. If not check your portal program like content or portl to see if you have one started there also.
  15. Problem is caused by cloudfare. Turning on the "I am under attack" switch is the culprit.
  16. The site has been upgraded to 3.44. All is working fine now. Could not find the culprit that caused the error. Removed all and turned everything off but no joy. Only a fresh install or upgrade worked.
  17. When you use external images they will do that if the host they are on is slow or down. The only way to stop that is to host all images on your server.
  18. Do you have any other admins or mods with acp access? If so drop them. Only leave mods. Try a different browser like opera that doesn't store the cookies and passwords in the same place to make the changes. And do the password change for the site and cpanel on a different computer. School frien or family members computer in case you do have a keylogger. Also do not stay logged on. Logoff when you are not there. Do not save your password on the computer. Clear cache every time you shut down the browser. Shut down the computer when you are not on it. Use windows program msconfig to see what programs and services are running and disable the one that you don't recognize.....
  19. Seems your host doesn't have the zip and gzip installed on the computer.
  20. Try using the gzip zipper. It should make it readable by the phpmyadmin importer. Or do as Justin said.
  21. That is nexus? Where is the part that shows the group they are demoted?
  22. Put this there <h1 class='maintitle'> {$file['file_name']} </h1>
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