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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. {$this->caches['stats']['total_topics']}{$this->caches['stats']['total_replies']}
  2. You are welcome. I looked at the hook and what are you trying to rotate. The same 5 topics. Moving the lowest one up one and the top one to the bottom??
  3. I guess you will have to wait until someone who uses that hook has time to test it out. Or you can find the css for that hook (check the templates for it) and try it yourself. Can't hurt anything as you will copy the old css and templates before testing...
  4. Looks like you are missing a line in that output that shows the whole command. It is not a table error but probably a field was empty and caused the error. Is this for the current version of ipb you are using?? get the whole file and post the contents in a code bbcode ..
  5. Ok try this link http://www.htmldrive.net/items/show/397/Vertical-Scrolling-News-Ticker-With-jQuery-jCarouse.html
  6. I think you wanted class instead of id for the arrow.. But if you put it here <div class='post_body'> <p class='posted_info desc lighter ipsType_small'> {$this->lang->words['posted']} <abbr class="published" itemprop="commentTime" title="{parse expression="date( 'c', $post['post']['post_date'] )"}">{parse date="$post['post']['post_date']" format="long"}</abbr> </p> <if test="repHighlight:|:$this->settings['reputation_highlight'] AND $post['post']['rep_points'] >= $this->settings['reputation_highlight']"> <p class='rep_highlight'>{parse replacement="popular_post"}<br />{$this->lang->words['popular_post']}</p> </if> <div itemprop="commentText" class='post entry-content <if test="$post['post']['_repignored'] == 1">imgsize_ignore</if>'><div> arrow ******************************************************* Here </div> {$post['post']['post']} {$post['post']['attachmentHtml']}<if test="in_array($post['post']['post_count'],array(1,$topic['posts']+1))">I am adding to post {$post['post']['post_count']}</if> <br /> It will show in all posts in the topic ...
  7. Try using the search for scrolling recent topics. It will show you the code you need to add to the hooks css file.
  8. It has to be permission setting in the group permissions downloads tab.
  9. I don't know what you mean by position, But the answer is yes. Put it in the template Topic View > Post . Find {$post['post']['post']} and put it before or after it.
  10. Version 1.0


    [u][b]Adds a default field to a custom profile field when created or edited. [/b][/u] to Use hook simply add a default value at the bottom of the custom profile field you want members to be forced to use this will force all members to enter a valid value or it will add the default value when the register or update their current profile there is also a task included that is enabled and set to run at midnight that will update all existing members profile records with the new default value. you can manually run the task by clicking the 2 circular arrows in the acp > System > System Scheduler > Members section for the LD3x CP Update task you can also edit the task by click the down arrow and change to disable if you do not want to change current members immediately enjoy.
  11. Edit the conf_global.php file n forum folder using ftp. Make sure that the host, database, user and password are correct with what is used in the phpmyadmin and cpanle.
  12. If you want pm me a temp admin login and url and I will check. Since you said you checked the permissions not much else to suggest.
  13. That is because the variable is not $post but $author <if test="$author['_online']"><img src="{style_images_url}/online.png" alt="" class='post_online' data-tooltip="Online" /><else /><img src="{style_images_url}/offline.png" alt="" class='post_online' data-tooltip="Offline" /></if>
  14. The problem is the server is taking too long to process the request. error: Mysql server has gone away Contact your host and let them know the problem.
  15. It is in your uploads path. Open the acp > System Settings > System > General Configuration and change the Path to 'upload' directory /home/myoldsiteid/public_html/Myforum/uploads This is a path, not a URL. IP.Board has detected your uploads path as: /home/mysiteid/public_html/Myforum/uploads to the one it tells you it should be like the green line above.
  16. Problem here is that members seem to think that the people who do help should drop everything and work on what they want NOW.. As Davlin said you are asking for something free. So if another member says " I will look at it when I have time.", i does not mean they will drop everything and work solely on you wish item. If you are not willing to pay, then expect from a few days to weeks for members to fit it in their schedules. Respect and politeness for others get members here favored treatment in the long run. Those who are subscribers should ask in that section if they think they deserve special treatment. In the free sections no one deserves anything. They are getting help out of the kindness of other members.
  17. Yes it is a hook. But There is none for 3.4 . If you want to get and upload to a host then post a link for it I will look at it when I have time.
  18. Right now there is no way to do that with the iPS software. There might be with changing the Mysql database. Or run a task to update the fields that are null to the default at night. But both require php & mysql knowledge.
  19. Sure try this update members set email = 'reset@whensigned'orupdate ipb_members set email = 'reset@whensigned'
  20. ftp edit file adminapplicationsforumsmodules_publicextrasstats.php find switch( $this->request['do'] ) { case 'leaders': $this->_showLeaders(); break; case 'id': $this->_showQueries(); break; case 'who': $this->whoPosted(); break; default: $this->_showTodaysPosters(); break; } change to switch( $this->request['do'] ) { // case 'leaders': // $this->_showLeaders(); // break; case 'id': $this->_showQueries(); break; case 'who': $this->whoPosted(); break; default: $this->_showTodaysPosters(); break; } Save and try it.
  21. You are welcome. Phun is correct the only way to get the emails back is with a backup of the good member table or force to users to enter them again.
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