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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. Yes phpmyadmin and find the tables admin_logs and admin_login_logs and delete the record with your information or empty the tables...
  2. That is why there should only be one root admin and everyone else should be admins with restrictions...
  3. You can set permissions for the bots to be only able to read the topic titles and not the content. But that is the only way to stop guests from using the bot code to view topic posts. It is not a hook unless 3.4 changed it. Since 2.3 you could create a bot group and set permissions.
  4. Use phpmyadmin and browse the core_sys_conf_settings table. Look for the field conf_key and find the value logins_over_https and edit fields conf_value and conf_default to a 0 in that record. Delete your cookies and cache and try to login in acp.
  5. The zend guard file probably needs to be updated to a more current version. The php.ini should have the sushosin variabes in it to be chaned.
  6. They will want the entire message which will say too many connections or mysql timeout...
  7. Just go ahead and do what you forgot. It should fix it.
  8. All set. Deleted VPS and reinstalled os. Then restored database and files.
  9. By the internal code of the hook.....
  10. Have you tried in acp > Look & Feel > Template Tools > Rebuild Master Skin Data Click all boxes both sides and then rebuild icon. Then at top of page click recache all skins...
  11. And what does the section appear as when you add the other code? It could be the mycrap is not working. And make sure it is not placed inside any other if statement..
  12. Where did you put it as it works fine for me. If it was in the boardindex template you shouldn't need it. In the globaltemplate it should work. And if it doesn't work as you say place this in the globaltemplate to see why.. <php>echo "<br><br><br><h1> I am in the ".$this->request['section']." section!!!</h1><br><br><br>";</php> And go to board index, forums and topics and see what displays at the top of page ....
  13. You can't. You have to use the upgrade script after you upload all the 3.4 files.
  14. Just for you try this <if test="$this->request['section']=='boards'">/*your crap here*/</if>
  15. No ... Just upload the 3.43 files to your host forum folder and run the upgrade.
  16. If those are the correct table names then you can use this mysql query in the acp sql toolbox or phpmyadmin. Be sure to backup or export the profile_portal table first.. update profile_portal set thanked = (select thanked from members where pp_member_id = member_id)
  17. No! It means that the host has configured the server MySql setup too small for ipb to perform correctly. If you have your own vps /dedi than you can fix it. If you have free or shared hosting only the host can fix it.
  18. In the globaltemplate of your skins should be this <link rel="shortcut icon" href='<if test="$this->registry->output->isHTTPS">{$this->settings['board_url_https']}<else />{$this->settings['board_url']}</if>/favicon.ico' /> Make sure it is in all the skins. It should force the favicon to show.
  19. If you created with a key the if should be something like this after the foreach for the custom fields <if test="$key != 'your key name'"> <li class='clear clearfix'> {$value} </li></if
  20. You are welcome. It would be what field you mean. But the template is Profiles > profileModern and showCard look for <div class='general_box clearfix'> <h3>{$this->lang->words['community_stats']}</h3> <br /> <ul class='ipsList_data clearfix'> It will be after these lines.
  21. It could be a combination of both.... If host sets limit to 2M no matter how you set IPB it won't work. Anyway looks like he has it fixed.
  22. Yes it is. this is where you can put the if <li class='clear clearfix'> {$value} </li> to <if test="$value != ''><li class='clear clearfix'> {$value} </li></if>
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