No you misunderstand...... Or I misunderstand what you want. Here is the topic with a guest viewing it . It shows the 4 for the post the admin entered and the 3 for the post the member added. tester Newbie Members < Guests | Administrators | Moderators 3 posts Posted 25 June 2013 - 03:59 PM ::3 Speciaal berichtAlleen zichtbaar voor leden met een speciale status.Report #2 Lock Down Administrator Administrators < Guests 6 posts Posted Today, 05:14 PM ::4 Speciaal berichtAlleen zichtbaar voor leden met een speciale status.
I changed nothing except removing the if statement for the $_content...
That is why it shows 4 when I was logged in as admin and 3 when I was logged in as member.
If you are creating it then why would you check right after it. But really doesn't matter. Here is my test with your code ... I used this as admin group 4 [vip] is my group id!![/vip] got this BBCode Test:::4 Speciaal berichtAlleen zichtbaar voor leden met een speciale status. and in forums a test member got this Posted Today, 11:59 AM ::3 Speciaal berichtAlleen zichtbaar voor leden met een speciale status. Working just fine for me..
Export the bbcode and post a link and I will look at it. If you have a custom file or modified the deafaults.php post them also. Have you tried adding var_dump($this->memberData) just before the if to see what is in the member array??
try changing this if($this->memberData['member_group_id']=="1" || $this->memberData['member_group_id']=="2" || $this->memberData['member_group_id']=="8") to this if ( in_array($this->memberData['member_group_id'],array(1,2,8)) )
In acp > Tools & Settings > Recount & Rebuild have you tried running Rebuild Content [Posts, Calendar Entries, Private Messages, Announcements, Signatures, etc. for the post content??
Do you have any external links like ads or such on your site? This could cause t to timeout and not show page. Also does it happen on all skins? Does it happen to you?
That should be in the class. Except bullet instead of square. Check your css. .post.entry-content ul,, .as_content ul {list-style-type: square;}
This already has the read more in it... <div class='ipsType_textblock ipsPad'> <if test="truncateTopic:|:$this->settings['portal_topic_truncate']"> {IPSText::truncate( IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->stripAllTags( strip_tags( $topic['post'], '<br>' ) ), intval( $this->settings['portal_topic_truncate'] ) )} <div class='ipsPad_half'> <a href='{parse url="showtopic={$topic['tid']}" base="public" seotitle="{$topic['title_seo']}" template="showtopic"}' class='right clearfix'><span class='ipsButton_secondary'>Read More</span></a> </div> <else />{$topic['post']}</if> <!--IBF.ATTACHMENT_{$topic['pid']}--> </div>in acp > Manage Unreal Portal > Portal Main Limit news to x characters? yes NoNumber of characters to limit news to?Note that this WILL break any HTML tags if they haven't been closed at the end of x characters
PMing me a default template was no help. The template you seek is probably this oneTemplates > Article Templates > Editing template: Front Page (Single Column) This is what you want to remove for read more not to show <a href='{$record['record_link']}' class='read_more'>{$this->lang->words['fpdt_readstory']}</a> this is what you want to change to have the complete article show on front page {IPSText::truncate( strip_tags( IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripAllTags( $record['article_body'] ) ), 255 )} change to this {IPSText::getTextClass('bbcode')->stripAllTags( $record['article_body'] )}
Read more function is just a php function to show a selected number of characters from the post and add a pointer for the url. Show us the code you are using to create your block.
Check your template and click custom and find a line similar to this one <span class='desctext'>{IPSText::truncate( strip_tags($r['content']), 32 )}</span> Or go through the setup and look in filters (usually).