Version V3.4.4
Upgrade of en30 top-x-stats
[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]This hook adds a customizable statistic table to the board index footer with the following statistic options:[/background][/size][/font][/color]
[b]Forum Statistics[/b][list]
[*]Latest Forum News
[*]Most Popular Forums
[b]Member Statistics[/b][list]
[*]Top Posters
[*]Top Sheriffs
[*]Most Wanted
[*]New Members
[*]Recent Visitors
[*]Top Thread Starters
[*]Recent Name Changes
[*]Most Popular Members
[*]Latest Profile Comments
[*]Top Member Reputation
[b]Topic/Poll Statistics[/b][list]
[*]Most Views
[*]Latest Polls
[*]Most Replies
[*]Recent Attachments
[*]Top Thread Reputation
[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]There are 6 blocks of customizable statistics and a latest posts block.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
[color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]Admin CP settings allow you to choose statistic options and reorder them, exclude groups from seeing the statistics, exclude forums from showing in latest posts, define how many stats are in each block, turn off individual blocks, format display names, and more.[/background][/size][/font][/color]