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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. Also in the general section of system settings check the uploads folder name to see if it matches the one shown under the boxto enter it.
  2. Looks like you might need a vps or only use the hooks/apps you really want...
  3. OK. I had to upload the original xml for the english language by hand. Then rebuild the language and all the apps. Then recache labg and skins.
  4. Make sure you use cache management and recache all.
  5. If you have xenforo this should be moved. if it is IPB it should work. As far as the custom sidebar blocks I don't see why it would not work. I don't see why you would use that mod tho.
  6. in the hooks folder find file starting with boardIndexLatestFiles change $files = $idm_api->returnDownloads( 0, 10, 1 ) to this $files = $idm_api->returnDownloads( 0, 5, 1 );
  7. Instead of that use this <php>$mgroups = explode(',',$this->memberData['mgroup_others']); $titles = $this->memberData['g_title']; foreach ($mgroups as $field){if(is_numeric($field)){$titles .= " | ".$this->caches['group_cache'][$field]['g_title'];}}</php><span>{$titles}</span>
  8. You weren't for this specific case of photo. It is php that the above code is for and works in any standard side block. The hook is not needed.
  9. I will look at it when I get a chance.. Update Here is the block code. You were right and it had nothing in the hook for that example.. <php>$mem=IPSMember::buildDisplayData(IPSMember::load(IPSCookie::get('member_id')));$photo=htmlspecialchars_decode($mem['pp_main_photo']);</php><br> <img src='{$photo}'> <br>
  10. That looks like what you want. It is the photo you showed . You chose cartoon and they chose photo. So it should be the same.
  11. When you say avatar do you mean the one shown in the recent topics sideblock? If yes then it can for sure.
  12. Ok also click the box that says switch option and content. Now use it this way [framepic=Mushroom Headed Man]http://images.wikia.com/fantendo/images/b/ba/100px-Redddtoaddd.png [/framepic] Remember to change your example also... PS I think you want to use this code instead of what you have <table height=100px style="background-image:url('{option}');border:1px solid black;background-size: 100% 100%;"><tr><td>{content}</td></tr></table>
  13. Did you say yes to the question that says prevent other bbcode from changing yours when you made your bbcode?? You can but you would need to create one for homepage or board index. And I am guessing you mean all users logged on not just one..
  14. Always backup the database before making those changes.. But that should work .
  15. Read my post again. I edited it........ PS you shouldn't quote a post that is the one before your post. It takes extra space not needed in the database...
  16. Ok that setting is there like that because the default a member has when created is needs his approval.. You did not create a test member through the board normally and login as him then send a friend request to him or you would know that it was no to automatic approval.
  17. It should be set to no when a new user.registers unless you have changed the database. The table is profile_portal and the field is pp_setting_moderate_friends . The default value should be 0. You can use phpmyadmin to check it. Then test it by creating your own new test member.
  18. Take the sql file and break it in parts at the create table (usually). Or you can upload it to the server and then use ssh command or cron job to import it. Or PM me the vps or cpanel login and file name with the db name and user name / password and I will do it.
  19. In acp > look&feel > Manage Languages > English (USA) > Edit word pack Edit word pack: "core/public_email_content" The mail content can be changed there...
  20. Why not the whole database? Otherwise you will get many errors as the tables are linked together.
  21. Just use phpmyadmin and create a database backup. Then use whatever database program you want like mysql-front to restore the database to the new databse on your localhost..
  22. I am only guessing but I would have to guess the skins are not for the version of your IPB. Compare the globaltemplates in each skin to see if you can find what is different. Only a guess tho.
  23. Version V3.4.4


    Upgrade of en30 top-x-stats [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]This hook adds a customizable statistic table to the board index footer with the following statistic options:[/background][/size][/font][/color] [b]Forum Statistics[/b][list] [*]Latest Forum News [*]Most Popular Forums [/list] [b]Member Statistics[/b][list] [*]Top Posters [*]Top Sheriffs [*]Most Wanted [*]New Members [*]Recent Visitors [*]Top Thread Starters [*]Recent Name Changes [*]Most Popular Members [*]Latest Profile Comments [*]Top Member Reputation [/list] [b]Topic/Poll Statistics[/b][list] [*]Most Views [*]Latest Polls [*]Most Replies [*]Recent Attachments [*]Top Thread Reputation [/list] [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]There are 6 blocks of customizable statistics and a latest posts block.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3][background=rgb(238,238,238)]Admin CP settings allow you to choose statistic options and reorder them, exclude groups from seeing the statistics, exclude forums from showing in latest posts, define how many stats are in each block, turn off individual blocks, format display names, and more.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
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