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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. I will be happy to check if you want. Pm me the info.
  2. It is all in your picture and seems right. The code checks the rss feed option and gives the message. So I can only suggest you do a cache management and rebuild all and rebuild all the skins in template tools.
  3. acp > [*]Overview > [*]Settings > [*]IPS Apps > [*]IP.Blog SettingsBlog feature settings Show active users YesThis will show the users active in the blogs on the blog list page. Immediately update the blog view counter YesIf set to 'Yes', this will immediately update the blog view counter. To save resources set this to 'No'. Allow RSS imports YesIf enabled, members can import RSS data as entries for their blogs Allow RSS feeds YesAllow RSS feeds on the blogs? Override permissions for RSS feeds YesAllow RSS feeds even if guests are not allowed to view the blogs? [*] [*] [*]
  4. Here is that php updated to add them to the banfilters table . Just save it as banfilters.php and copy it to the folder with the conf_global.php file and run from command line like www.yoursite.com/yourforum/banfilters.php
  5. Not sure if I understand the question but in the ACP > Members > Member Groups > Manage Member GroupsCan view online user lists?Check it if you want the guests to see it. Uncheck it if you don't want them to see it.
  6. Nice work. But it would be helpful for the other members if you posted your solution.
  7. You are welcome and that way is fine. That was called by the template so it is still in the database and anyone calling it will be fine. Nothing to worry about.
  8. In the code find <if test="membertitle:|:$author['member_title']"> <li>{$author['member_title']}</li> </if>in the database find the table pfields_content and browse ir using phpmyadmin. Find the column field_?? that has the data you want displayed. then replace the above find with this <php>$member = IPSMember::load( $author['author_id'], 'all' );</php><p class='desc member_title'>{$member['field_1']}</p>Remember field_1 should be the column name of where the data is stored in the table.
  9. Are you sure that skin was made for the version of your IPB forum? Use an editor like notepad++ (not plain notepad) and edit the file in the picture and show us lines 80 thru 115 in a code bbcode in a spoiler bbcode. It might just be something with one of these templates Statistics group_strip top_posters whoPostedCheck the templates to see if there is a red/orange dot next to the name. If so click it and click revert. Also try using template tools to Rebuild Master Skin Data by choosing all boxes on both sides and clicking rebuild. Then at top of that page click recache all skin sets.
  10. You are welcome and that is as good a place since it is for your use only.
  11. try in css ipb_styles Make sure to give the class a unique name.
  12. Instead of using span then why not use <div class creating a class with the settings you want.
  13. You are welcome. Yes that will work update members set title='' where member_id='******';And you can also use the phpmyadmin the same way b clearing the contents of the title field and saving it.
  14. There is an export function for every table in the sql toolbox that allows you to copy the contents of that table to your computer. Then copy it back using the import in phpmyadmin or copy contents of saved file to sql toolbox query and run it to put it back. Individual members, the best way would be to use the phpmyadmin edit row for that member in the table.Then put what you want. As far as the revert I was talking about if you made any changes to templates also. Sorry to confuse.
  15. Ok I emptied the messages. Should be room if you hurry. Looking at your data above I do not see any errors so there should be a list of moderators. (it does not show groups only individual members names) So unless there is an if somewhere else causing it to not show than it should be working. Pm me the login info and I will look at it. Update : Code was working he wanted a means to remove forum led by if no moderators.
  16. It's called copy contents , save it to your computer. Don't like the results. Copy from computer to the server. There is a revert icon on the right but it removes any and all changes made to that template. Not just the last change.
  17. Should have worked. Did on my test system. Show me your code with that in it . Or pm me an admin login and url and I will check it.
  18. Finished. You also needed to change this one .ipsSideBlock h3 { color: #033551; margin: 0; }
  19. Are you saying when you made the change it didn't do them all or it did too many? Pm me an admin login with the color you want the text to be set.
  20. change this <div id='forum_led_by' class='ipsType_small'> <if test="$this->settings['sos33_moderatorsindex_showgif'] == 1"><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/icon_users.png' /> &nbsp;</if>{$this->lang->words['forum_led_by']} <foreach loop="$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetModerators( $fid ) as $p => $r"> <a href='{$r[0]}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}'>{$r[1]}</a><if test="$r[2]"></if><if test="$p + 1 != count( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetModerators( $fid ) )">,</if> </foreach> </div><br />to this <div id='forum_led_by' class='ipsType_small'> <if test="$this->settings['sos33_moderatorsindex_showgif'] == 1"><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/icon_users.png' /> &nbsp;</if>{$this->lang->words['forum_led_by']} <foreach loop="$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetModerators( $forum_data['id']) as $p => $r"> <a href='{$r[0]}' title='{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}'>{$r[1]}</a><if test="$r[2]"></if><if test="$p + 1 != count( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetModerators( $forum_data['id'] ) )">,</if> </foreach> </div><br />
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