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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Lock Down is still here guys, he's an amazing guy and he still helps people out.
  2. ^ So much this, GIMP is the best tool you can get for free. I have no experience with mac but before i used photoshop, i used GIMP. They have similar features.
  3. Q: Did you use google "allowed memory size exhausted"?Q: Do you need reading glasses? The error clearly explains what is going on... That script is trying to allocate more memory than your hosting allows you to use. (32MB) IPB runs best on a minimum of 128MB.
  4. Phun

    cPanel Problems

    Then you removed wrong lines of code.
  5. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  6. Phun

    15 Download Limit

    No idea why you would want to add 15 mods to your forum.
  7. We use topic multi-moderation and mix that in with CSS/HTML for a custom bbcode. We add the custom BBCode and the message for it into the multi moderation action and badabing, there you have it. You can look all over the internet for these "Error, Succes, Warning" boxes. And find the HTML & CSS for them. I'm not going to go into too much detail, this one is for you to find out
  8. I'm going to mark your topic as solved now. Thanks. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. How to minimize spam registrations on your forum Hello guys, Phun here with another quick tutorial on how to minimize spam registrations on your forum. You know those pesky spam bots that post ads? With a few quick fixes to your site you can stop them from registering. Or, at least, most of them. Step 1. Check if you have CAPTCHA set up By default it is set-up but you might just wanna take a peek and see if it's done. In the admin CP go to: System Settings -> System -> Security & Privacy You can now also check your registration page to see if you indeed have the reCAPTCHA form on there. Step 2. Set up a Question and Answer challenge This is something i've done a lot on forums. It presents the person that fills in the form with a question, which they have to answer. If they get the answer wrong, they can't register, if they get it right: hurrah! System -> Tools & Settings -> Question & Answer Challenge Step 3. Require e-mail validation (or manual approval) This one is optional but also can help a lot in the combat against spambot registrations. You can set your forum up so that all registrants are placed in a validation group before they can post stuff etc. System Settings -> System -> Security & Privacy What you set the incomplete registration validation removal to is up to you, i'd say 7 is a good number. (Optional) Step 4. Get the StopForumSpam Plugin StopForumSpam is widely known to keep a huge database with IP addresses and emails of well known spambots, installing this plugin can surely help you combat spam. It automatically denies registration of the known spambots so you won't have to worry about a thing. You can get it here: And that's it guys, i hope you found this tutorial useful in some way. © Phun ~ WebFlake.net - If you want to share this tutorial, please leave our credits in here.
  10. Hey there, it's a per group setting. Edit the member group you want to change the setting for and change these in the "Global" tab: ( Members -> Member Groups -> Manage Member Groups -> -> Global )
  11. There's a tutorial in the file, why didn't you follow it? Did you even read it when you pasted it here? Gosh.
  12. Did you try to follow the steps then? What does your robots.txt look like? Did you open it yet? Have you changed anything in it? Could you visit hxxp://yoursite.com/robots.txt ?? Come on man. More details.
  13. IPBMafia.ru releases suck and i highly recommend you stop using them. I hope you get help with this, because i can't help you.
  14. Hey Ryan, Weird to hear that you have this issue still, but i'm sure you'll have to work this out with your hosting company, not us . What hosting company are you using? Talk to them again because it's an issue related to your site and their server. We can't really do anything from here.
  15. Welcome to WebFlake , enjoy your stay.
  16. Hi there, welcome to our site
  17. Exterminator found the rest of his body. lol.
  18. I'm not sure what you mean?
  19. Party, get wasted. Wake up not knowing what happened.
  20. Isn't this a question you should be asking your hosting company, instead of us?
  21. Thanks a ton, enjoy your new group.
  22. 339 downloads

    Summary: Xenforo extended smilies that extend on the Xenforo default pack. Install: Upload to your smiley folder and start adding them via the admincp >> smiley manager
  23. I have taken and outcommented the following code from the template "post" in "Topic View": <if test="postMember:|:$post['author']['member_id']"> <span itemprop="creator name" class="author vcard">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$post['author']"}</span> <else /> {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$post['author']"} </if> I then changed the code to be compliant with the userInfoPane template: <if test="postMember:|:$author['member_id']"> <span itemprop="creator name" class="post_author author vcard">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$author"}</span> <else /> {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$author"} </if> And i've put it in the template "userInfoPane" under "Global Templates". Add it after these lines: <span class='hide' itemprop="name">{$author['members_display_name']}</span> <ul class='basic_info'> Then i've added id="postusername" after class="author vcard" In ipb_styles.css i have added this at the bottom: #postusername { font-size: 12pt;} I hope this answers your question.
  24. Hello,Can you PM me details for an Admin account? (Create one in your site or change your own pass) I will have a look and post back in the topic with the answer.
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