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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Website. Snowflake. WebFlake. BOOM.
  2. http://blog.moovweb.com/2013/02/happy-valentines-day-internet-behold-the-harlem-shake-bookmarklet/ Drag dat to your bookmarks and enjoy it on every website ever.
  3. Welcome to the site, nice avatar.
  4. Welcome back to WebFlake
  5. Phun


    What an inspiring username you have. Welcome!
  6. I'm going to make a tutorial for this aswell. Just you wait!
  7. I'm in the process of creating a How-To-Upgrade tutorial.
  8. Does this mean your topic is solved? If so i can lock it.
  9. You mean to add the "Reputation: _" to the information part of the post? Look for your userInfoPane in the templates and try adding this: <li> <span>Reputation </span><span>{parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</span> </li>
  10. Judging from the errors, Stop Spammer Registration is not working or hasn't been installed correctly, disable the hook and check the registration page again. You may want to remove it and then reinstall it.
  11. Create an image of around 150x150 pixels and name it default_large and save it as .png image. Go to your FTP and look up the following directory: /public/style_images/<skin image folder>/profile Upload it there and overwrite the old one. Done!
  12. Welcome to our humble Website!
  13. Phun

    Hi all

    Welcome good sir, enjoy the site!
  14. I took that table, i took it like a man. Welcome back!
  15. Haa! You! There's a graphics section in the webmaster category, if you're willing to share PSD's and whatnot you can even upload them in the Downloads System! The donator perks are actually listed in this same forum, go look for them (it's an awesome adventure).
  16. I don't really understand what you are saying, but thanks i guess.
  17. Phun

    Your hosting?

    Find a cute offshore host and host with them. Also for now the content in the replies to this topic is questonable as far as advertising goes.
  18. What's up, welcome to our site! Swedish people are awesome. Cheese is awesome too.
  19. Hello Guys! A lot of you have been wondering why you lost all of your stuff, why we decided to start over and why things are a little different now. To answer all of these questions conveniently, i've split this topic up in sections. What happened to all my content? All your posts, topics, tutorials, etc. are secure. We haven't lost ANY data from ForumCore and if you want us to restore some of your old stuff, we're just a PM away! We also have all downloads from the old site so if you want to have something you KNOW was in the old DL system, just make a request and we'll have it for ya. Why did you start fresh? Because we all agreed (we all as in me and the rest of the staff team) to do so. It was the most secure thing we could do after all the fuss that happened with ForumCore. We wanted to start again, do things right and minimize the security risks. We donated for FC, not WF.. What the Flake?! Yes and No. Let me explain: The donations we needed at the last moment were raised at FC, to fund a new VPS to host WebFlake. Thanks to your generous donations we have raised enough money to fund this VPS for a few months, however we also wanted to spend some of the income on resources for donators. So what will happen to former FC donators? Well, don't you worry! You'll get your Donator status back. Just send me a Personal Message and include your old donator email (paypal email) in it. I will sort everything out later. What i can tell you right now is that old LIFETIME donators won't be getting the donator benefits for life anymore. To sustain the website and make sure donators have access to cool stuff, we need to go back to a monthly charge. However, previous donators who expected to get the upgrade for life, will get it for 3 months for free on WebFlake. I will start processing the previous donators shortly. I hope i've informed you enough with this topic. If you have any questions, askt hem below and i'll answer them. -Phun
  20. It's not us. Theres billions of people on the world. There's a chance somebody used WebFlakeNET before us.
  21. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Webflake/425537114197812?ref=hl Twitter = @WebFlake
  22. Moderators on WebFlake can give members warning points. We've set up actions in the ACP, so that when a user gets __ amount of points, they get an automatic suspension. So in a way, our Mods can ban members, but only temporarily. If they require a more serious ban, they can post a topic or PM an admin or head moderator for a permanent ban.
  23. Ah, no nudity on YouTube! Re-Upload elsewhere darnit.
  24. You cannot generate your own SSL certificates. They have to be authorized from an SSL certificate company. You can buy SSL certificates for example, from RapidSSLOnline.com . The standard RapidSSL one for 1 year would suit your needs just fine i think.
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