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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Hello Members, April 13th we made a post about Duplicate accounts. We explained our opinions about it and why it's not allowed. As of this date we still have members attempting to register more than one account to bypass restrictions or for some other weird reason. So let me say this: On WebFlake, you are allowed to have only 1 account registered. If you have multiple accounts already and are afraid of getting banned (because we will start issueing bans), please PM me, paradiizee or any other staff member as soon as possible. I also kindly want you all to check this topic we posted earlier: http://webflake.sx/topic/3370-urgent-duplicate-accounts/ If you get caught with more than 1 account, you will be banned. End of story. - WF Staff Team
  2. Hey, you should check out http://graphicriver.net/ -- They have alot of vector graphics, logo art and cartoon-style imagery you might be able to use. It's not free though.
  3. No there is not, i'm afraid. Google has a very strict policy regarding advertisements, accounts and rules in general. I don't think you'll be able to contact them nor are they going to unsuspend your site from adsense. Some sites just don't qualify for AS and that's the way it is. Try other networks out and see if they accept you.
  4. If you really want it changed, send me a PM.
  5. Phun

    Feedback Internal Link Issue

    Not sure why or how it adds these characters? Is there any way i can reproduce this?
  6. Phun


    User was permabanned for this post.
  7. There is a mod called "Easy Topic Moderation" which allows you to copy a topic:
  8. Hey Guys,In this topic post some inspirational, awesome, epic quotes.One quote per post please, no double posting. I'll start! ~Phun
  9. Phun


    LOL That's hilarious.
  10. Phun

    Happy Birthday Phun!

  11. Birthday :3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Guest


      Dude, you live only 18 miles from me. Where the flake is my beer? Hup Hup Hup, Happy bday :) Oh.. it's 5 April..

    3. Guest


      I mean 6 april : (

    4. Yuu


      Happy Birph-Day Phun. :D

  12. Hai :3. Welcome :3. Rules 'n stuff. :3
  13. Astro Teemo.

  14. Have you tried editing your language pack and setting it back to normal?
  15. Click the Best Answers on your profile!

    1. Guest



    2. Phun


      Cuz para's a bitch and he doesn't like my code.

  16. I'm trying out something to make it show what your best answers are if you click the badge.. try it out!
  17. Amazing post, could not have said it better myself.
  18. I love the fact they used comic sans MS for that , lmao. This is how sites used to look back in the day!!!!!
  19. Phun

    Sentry Alert

    The truth, however you don't need to do anything actually. Since we have a new website.
  20. After receiving the following pm (check spoiler) i feel obliged to post in this thread that the LeakForums theme cannot be uploaded to WebFlake. Feel free to upload it to any other upload site and then posting the link though.
  21. Phun


    Welcome! I like swedish people. Be sure to read the rules and have fun
  22. Furthermore, beyond this topic being closed i want you all to know that Discussion about Distributed Denial of Service attacks is allowed on WebFlake. We are community for and by webmasters after all. However These kinds of things (when it comes to hacking and blackhat stuff) tend to get out of hand where one person makes claims which get bashed on by another person. There is a line here between what's considered discussion and threatening. Don't cross it.
  23. Yes you can install it, you can download it for free in the link.
  24. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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