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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the announcements forum for updates and check out our rules & guidelines too. Enjoy!
  2. Saw this before, that is one heck of a wedding proposal, holy crap. lol.
  3. [ Direct Link ] Putting kids to sleep since 1963!
  4. Seriously, there's a freaking SEARCH system in the ACP. Type in "own post" or "like" or "gravatar" and you would've found answers to all of your questions.
  5. Google AdSense has the highest payout by far. It's not too hard to set up!
  6. http://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml Take a look there maybe...
  7. [ Warning: Turn up your volume ]
  8. I personally have got them to remove the FC clone so no, nulled is NOT allowed on their servers. I just called them. They have a phone number on their site.
  9. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  10. Go to Look & Feel -> Manage Languages. From there you can search for the string you want to change (i typed in "you do not have permission"): Then you can enter the new error message in the field next to it, scroll down and press save. Done!
  11. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  12. As is appropriate for these situations.
  13. Look what i found (yet again) with the BUILT IN search mechanism: It's in "Settings -> Security and Privacy". If you are wondering if you can set this per usergroup, no you can not.
  14. Your hosting company needs to set this, if you have a VPS or Dedicated server, you need to locate your PHP.ini file and set the values yourself.
  15. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  16. In your Admin Control Panel, when you log in, find "Security Center". IPB Actually has a small page there to do this: Provide a username and password there and it will create the extra protection .htaccess file there.
  17. APC = Admin Panel Control? It's called an ACP or Admin Control Panel. --------------- Try to recache all the skins in "Look & Feel -> Template Tools"
  18. [TuT] Secure Database, Account and FTP Passwords Hello, here to tell you how important it is to make sure your passwords are SECURE. I still, to this day, see too many "newbies" create weak passwords. Not only do they use them on their own website account, they use them for their hosting account and database account. I can tell you right now that this is VERY insecure. Don't do this! Just take a look at this example i took, lol: Secure Databases Let's say we are using cPanel® to create our database. Below this you can see how i usually go about creating my database and password for the database. Not sure if i'm just paranoid when it comes to security, but i also generate a random string for the database name.. just to be sure i guess: For the user i ALSO create a random string and just take 5-6 characters out of it: Now we come to the password part. I'm still not sure why many many many people think it's a good idea to use their personal password, or a password they can remember. The important thing to remember here is that the password is saved in your config file.. you don't need to remember it at all. And if that config file goes missing, you can always just change the password from the control panel anyways. As you can see i use 18 characters and use both upper- and lowercase characters and also you can see i'm using both numbers and symbols for non alpha characters. It's the most secure thing you can pick and is almost impossible to bruteforce or guess by the everyday kid hacker: Note: If you're really sensitive about security i recommend refreshing all the passwords for your databases AT LEAST once per half year. It's very easy and even easier if you have a config file. Secure Account- and FTP Passwords I took the DB section apart because i could highlight the specific things i usually do. For all other things related to FTP, Website and Account passwords you have to keep in mind that: If you have access to sensitive data and a "bad guy" acquires your password, he has too. From there, bad things can happen. A secure password contains AT LEAST 8 Characters with Upper- and Lowercase alpha characters and AT LEAST Numbers and optionally: Symbols. Note: If you're really sensitive about security i recommend refreshing all the passwords for your accounts AT LEAST once per half year. And i can't stress enough how awesome good anti-virus is. I hope this information has been useful to you in one way or another and that you will be safe! ©Phun - WebFlake
  19. I don't understand this but let me try: - You want to have a BBCode that only YOU can use? - The BBCode that only YOU can use is only to post images? - Nobody else can post images but you?
  20. How to install Invision Power Board 3.4 - A Step-by-Step tutorial by Phun from WebFlake.net - Things we need: A webhost that supports PHP A webhost that allows Databases A webhost that is offshore The latest package of Invision Power Board An FTP client (Like FileZilla) A brain and the will to learn Note: This works on pretty much every version of IP.Board. They all install in similar fashion. 1. Finding a webhost For the installation of Invision Power Board (and any other forum board software) we need a webhost. Finding a webhost is the hard part of this, as webhosting and domains are not for free. For people that first want to try the software out, you can get a subdomain and free hosting, for this i recommend you sign up at http://000webhost.com/ as they are a well known free hosting company. Alright, now when you've set your hosting account up we can go to step 2. 2. File Transfer Protocol & FileZillaFrom your webhost you will receive log-in details to your control panel, and login details for FTP. FTP stands for File-Transfer-Protocol and is used to upload files to your webspace. Programmers already have made a nice tool for this called 'FileZilla' it is free and easy to download: Click Here Just follow the installation steps for FileZilla and start it up, once you're done, launch the program. Click the icon you see on the top left (not the arrow) Click "New Site" and fill in your site's name Change the type to "Normal" and fill in the details you got from your hosting company Click the Connect button Now you should see the home directory, double click the folder called "public_html" You're done for now, keep FileZilla open because we are going to use it later on in this tutorial! 3. Creating a database To store usernames and data, Invision Power Board needs a database. Creating a database is very simple. Your host most likely has cPanel, which is what i'm going to show you. If your host doesn't have cPanel and uses a different control panel, search for things that are similar to those shown on screenshots. 1. Log in to your website's cpanel, which can be accessed by putting /cpanel at the end of your domain 2. Click the "MySQL Databases" button (shown above) We want to create a new database, so we will fill in the name, in our case "demo". We also need to add a user, so fill this area in and click "Create User" After that, add the user to the database, select the two and click "ADD". We should give the user full permissions, click "All Priviliges" and Click "Make Changes". We are now done with this part, our database has been set up. Copy the details somewhere because you will need the at the installation! So far it's going great. 4. Downloading & Transferring IPBIf you are a license holder, download the latest package of Invision Power Board from your clients area's download center and unRAR it somewhere you want. If not, visit the DL system over at WebFlake.net to download the latest version from the internet. Go to the "upload" folder of the downloaded package and select all files (CTRL+A) and drag them into the 'public_html' of your filezilla screen, it should start uploading the files. Once everything is uploaded, navigate to your website and proceed to Step 5. 5. Installing Invision Power Board Once all your files are uploaded, navigate to your domain. The installer should pop up! Click next on the first page you see. If there's any errors, contact your host about it! 1. Accept the EULA on the next page. 2. Select the applications you want installed and click "Next" 3. Make sure the addresses are OK and click "Next" (they should be OK by default) 4. Enter your License key (optional) Now we have to fill in the details we got from creating the database, the host should be localhost by default, if this doesn't work: Contact your host for the details. Fill in the database details like above, you don't need to fill in the table prefix. After that, fill in your admin account and let the isntallation finish! This is a fully automated process and should take about 5 to 10 minutes. When it's ready you should see this: Your forum is installed! When you go to your domain, you should see the default IPB data and skin. Just click the "Sign in" button to sign in and start configuring your installation by clicking the "Login to your Admin CP" link above your little profile when logged in. Just click the link and fill in your details hxxp://yourdomain.com/admin/ and configure everything. Make sure you go to FileZilla and delete the admin->install folder completely! Installation Complete! © Phun - WebFlake.net
  21. Phun

    New :)

    Welcome to the site, Avitron!
  22. The Importance of Descriptive Titles It's important to let your users know that you want them to use descriptive titles. Google loves titles and especially when you're using the friendly URLs this is important. Search engines like Google can't do much with a topic titled "Hey" or "Team" or "error". Sure, it will be indexed but think about the thousands (if not millions) of other topics, pages, blogs etc. with a post or content that has "Hey" or "Team" or "error" in them. Why do you want descriptive titles? For targeted searches, plus you'll reach a much bigger audience and get higher rankings for that specific title. Let's take an example: If your topic title is "Help Me", your fURL would be: sitename.com/topic/201-Help-Me/A person using google typing in "Help Me" will not find your website, because there are millions of other sites that have a topic called "Help Me" and since your site does not have a high pagerank (at least, not so high that u will rank 1st on "Help Me") you will not be in the first results page. The solution would be to let users use descriptive titles, like in the example below: Users should use a descriptive title like "Help Me with Installing IPB Modifications", so your fURL would be: sitename.com/topic/202-Help-Me-with-Installing-IPB-Modifications/Chances are that there's not that many forums with topics about this specific thing, but still there are many people wanting to know how to install IPB modifications and need help with it. So if they would google "Help me with installing IPB modifications", your site is more likely to pop-up in the search results. But trust me, this won't happen in a flash. It takes time for search engines to index your site, and as your site is building up content search engines will start to value it and index it higher over time. But this is based on a lot more factors than just a descriptive title. I hope you know a little bit more now. So, descriptive titles are important for search engines, but are not the only factor. Start out using descriptive titles in your topics and telling your users to use them too, will definitely improve your site's quality. Visitors want to see what a topic is about without doing much work.
  23. Alright guys, let's get this thread going again !! Only YouTube, Vimeo or Spotify Links allowed.
  24. I love people who do that, if you come up with creative ideas or anything feel free to post it, don't hold back!
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