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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Hello, Could you create an admin account and send me the url and details please? I'll have a look for you if you want.
  2. Phun

    Feedback Downloads

    I used IDM back in the day (2008-2009ish) and it didn't really work for me. I think it's a load of bullshit. If you want my honest opinion just remove the whole program from your computer. I don't know if there's a per-site setting. You have to look that up yourself.
  3. Phun

    Feedback Downloads

    IDM is a download accelerator, so yes. You might be better off NOT using Internet Download Manager
  4. Phun

    Feedback Downloads

    xeNium, like Davlin said above, we can't set these to a really high number just to compensate for one person's internet. If your internet is failing here, then it's your fault that the cap is reached so fast. As you can see on the picture below, according to the system you are downloading files multiple times: This happens with poor connections or download accelerators trying to establish multiple connections. If you can't download 8MB without losing connection then you seriously need to contact your ISP, cause that's ridiculous.
  5. Good stuff, thanks for posting. Is loading the shouts from DB really needed to adjust the refresh rate though?
  6. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Well you could disable all the hooks that affect that area, if you have a fresh install of IP.Board that would be all of them.In your ACP navigate to "Manage Hooks". From there you can disable them all or one by one.
  9. Then maybe IPS should know that we're basically giving away free trial versions of their product, if communities grow big with their software it will surely bring in new clients. At least, that's how i always thought about it...When i was still a young webmaster i also started with IPB nulled and later bought a license.
  10. Whoa this topic is really amazing, finally some valid discussion on WebFlake. I really enjoy these. What people mostly beleive is that it's safer to use a retail version of a product and that nulled versions are easier to track. However, this is a mistake. I actually beleive that it doesn't really matter what you use. You ought to be caught one day for using non-licensed software. I think Davlin's list of things is very accurate so i'm going to type the same thing here. The things IPS will most likely look for when they are checking (patrolling) for unlicensed software are removals of copyright text, added copyright text, certain text not being linked back to IPS etc. etc. So let's think like IPS for a second, how would we make a decision whether to take action against a website running unlicensed products? How big is the community? Is it big enough to pursue legal action or not? Most likely forums with around a thousand members won't get noticed easily. "Big" communities are also "bigger" on the web. They are easier for people to come by and they get noticed, so naturally bigger sites also have a bigger chance to get noticed by IPS. Let's say you have 50 thousand members and no license, you're sure to get contacted sooner or later. Websites like webflake will be even higher on the priority list (you know why). If you're a small website, you'll have less of a chance to get noticed by IPS. And probably, by the time you start growing or have grown into a fully developed community, you'll have enough money (raised?) to purchase the license anyway. Which is what most people do. Seriously, spend the money on the license. It'll be worth it in the long run !
  11. Nice to meet you too, welcome to WebFlake! Enjoy your stay Also please familiarize yourself with our Rules & Guidelines, here: http://webflake.sx/topic/3-webflake-community-guidelines/
  12. If he ran a command to change all display names to the same name it will most likely be un-doable to revert that unless you have a backup.
  13. Hey, we just use the normal recommended ping services.
  14. Depending on what it looks like this can take someone a lot of time, i don't think you're going to get this for free.
  15. Have you installed a hook recently that might've added something to your profile page? (A tab or anything)
  16. You will have to write custom scripts and make sure they are compatible with your game server. But i'm not the person to talk to about this.
  17. Hey guys, Bidroop is a new online platform where you can build up a crowd. If you refer people they become part of your crowd, if your crowd refers people they become part of their crowd, and your crowd too. And so on. So if people keep inviting people, your crowd will become massive. The WHOLE crowd will earn money. The idea is to get in before it's going to be out of beta, so if you are really interested and want to invite people and you are sure they're going to invite people aswell, i say we make a huge webflake crowd! TLBeAJbM o64vu2DF YGWi3Sd9 L6KMICvJ BCUEt5pe Click here to sign up These are the 5 codes that i can give away to you, if you need more information visit bidroop.com/faq ! If you got in, you can decide to share them with friends but please leave at least one code for another WF Member as a reply. ~Phun
  18. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  19. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  20. Referral links are allowed provided you post the non-referral link too, which you did. So you're safe
  21. First thing i did was move the hook above the board statistics, this was easily achieved by: Going to the hook, pressing the edit button and go to "Files". Then i changed "Position of template hook" to pre.startif : Then, i went ahead and created custom CSS in your ipb_styles.css for the hook's template. In your theme i found: skin_topxstats -> output I found this code: <div class='category_block block_wrap'> And i changed it into this: <div class='category_block block_wrap' style='margin-bottom: 20px;'> I changed ipb_table into ipb_tablex (thats the css i used for this): <table class='ipb_tablex' width="100%" border="0"> I copied the whole CSS for ipb_table and pasted it, in the pasted version i changed every "ipb_table" into "ipb_tablex". In the new ipb_tablex CSS, i edited this to 5px: table.ipb_tablex td { padding: 5px; } Then i went ahead and removed the ugly grey header thing, so i found this code: <tr class='header'> And i changed it into this: <tr class='header' style='background: rgb(27, 27, 27); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 1px solid #111 !important'> Then i found the TR for the display of the columns and changed it into this to match the style of your forum: <tr> Changed into: <tr class='ipsBox_container'> [ Estimated time: about 5-10 minutes ] [ Do-it-yourself-rating: (Easy) ]
  22. Hey, usually you can change the position in the hook's settings, if this is not the case you need to edit the hook and change after which line of code it comes. If you want i can help you, PM me login details of an account with acp access and i can look into it for you. I'll post results here for anyone else that needs this.
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