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Everything posted by Phun

  1. I dare you to visit my profile. (And do the flop)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Justin™


      My pony died. Too much flopping.

    3. Skye


      Stop drugs. :P

    4. Desire


      Due to some weird events our main

      site got messed up and hacked, so we had to start over. This is the result.


      Are you inferring something here? Loljk.

  2. Ofcourse it is. The following code executes if either the visitor is not a member, or is a member but has less than 1 post: <if test="count($this->memberData['posts']) < 1 || !$this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class="globalmessage"> <b>Welcome new user, to our website! Lorem ipsum dolor!</b> </div><br /></if> Ofcourse you can remove the post check and modify the code to make it an if/else like so: <if test="!$this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class="globalmessage"> <b>Welcome new user, to our website! Lorem ipsum dolor!</b> </div><br /><else> <div class="globalmessage"> <b>Thanks for posting your introduction, enjoy your stay!</b> </div><br /></if> Hope this helps. Be sure to have CSS ready for these messages.
  3. If you have removed the content then you should be safe. If you do not remove content, depending on your hosting provider's location your site might be taken down.
  4. Phun

    Scholarship <3

    Congratulations Chance
  5. http://www.flasco.jp/brainmaker/ This is the correct link, idk why the one in my post doesn't work.
  6. http://www.flasco.jp/brainmaker/ Let it load, insert your name, post screencap of result.
  7. This post fucked up a little, i suggest you fix the codes
  8. There's a whole settings page for setting up PHPMail & SMTP. In General Settings -> Email Configuration
  9. I highlighted the area you failed to read.
  10. Click the little arrow on the far right, then "Edit settings" and set it as default. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  11. Phun


    Hi there Mr. Cactusman.
  12. Phun


    Hey mike, welcome to our site. Read our rules and have fun!
  13. Added a little notice in the download forums, try and find it :O

    1. Yuu


      bIQdFuK9a9.png Found it. Cookie please.
    2. Phun


      *Cookie give*

    3. Skye


      Yep +1 for GWAVE.

      A cookie for him !

  14. What you really have to ask yourself is: Is forum software the kind of CMS platform i'd use for a website for my university? Maybe you can find something else for this. I don't have suggestions but i think forums wouldn't work really well for what you are trying to do.
  15. I.. i don't even know :3

  16. Phun

    It's "Fry"day

    The above post represents what i was thinking.
  17. Another Italian eh. You'll become good friends with Evarni.
  18. Phun

    Small Poem

    Admins are Red Members are Blue Orange Donated Why didn't you? I win.
  19. If you guys find the feature let me know cause i think Invision Power removed it.
  20. Your server probably doesn't allow outgoing connections to port 587 then, or in some way it is restricted. Check your server's firewall or talk to your hosting company about this.
  21. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  22. Can you check the E-Mail settings in your admin control panel? This might actually be a bug related to IP.Board in which case, we don't really know how to solve them. I hope you turned this setting to Yes?
  23. .cssname:hover { background: #color; } I think would be the correct answer. You can even find out if you're using firefox or chrome, right click and hit "Inspect Element". You should see the CSS properties there.
  24. Hmm i started wondering if there are variables you can use in a URL to already add ticket Title and department. Haven't used nexus at all so i don't know, but if that was true then it would be easy for someone to make a hook for this.
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