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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. I have use it for 2 weeks and I have to say that is awesome...
  2. So you have remove it? If yes you will not have problems.
  3. No problem, was on another code, i have already fix it Thank you.
  4. Thanks for the reply, but was here: .wrapper{ margin: 0 auto; min-width: 980px; max-width: 1400px; width: 90%;
  5. Hello dear members, here is a stupid question....i was making some changes on css before some days, and i found how to make the forum size smaller.... But i don't remember the code, it was somethingwith % or px... Anyway, i want to make this smaller. Exampe: http://prntscr.com/6wetj6 I want it on the red lines. (speaking about the size)
  6. The easy way, this will work for sure. Nice idea. But if the Display: none it's not working, just remove the hole code.
  7. As we can see: YES. Post here your website link.
  8. Yes all... make sure to save that code to any .txt because sure you will need this later
  9. Go to your SkinName/Css/ipbstyles.css And find this: .userpopup dl { padding-bottom: 10px; margin-bottom: 4px; } .userpopup { overflow: hidden; position: relative; font-size: 0.9em; min-height: 200px; } Remove them both. All codes that starting with: .userpopup
  10. hmmm, I wil, try it... I just fixed it I have change some of these settings and working awesome like webflake. Topic can be transfered to answered questions.
  11. you could try my setting see if it helps I don't know what to do i have try all settings.
  12. I want to add this @mention feature link at the bottom of userInfo. It's like now: @Mention Settings: Feedback Settings:
  13. I just fixed it from .ipstyles.css and works awesome.. If you also try to uplaod :200x350 or something that is not square, the code crops the image to square Preview:
  14. Andrew™

    IPC Slider

    so you need to have installed ip content right?
  15. You are awesome, this helped me a lot, thanks for your time!
  16. About the avatar, maybe hes image is small and that's why looks bad, else try to fix dimensions of avatar on settings.
  17. Better disable it, you will lose much members, let guests only to read the topics, not to reply or create... And just change your settings for activation, example: without admin approval or mail verification...So they register and BOOM! ready.
  18. Hello guys, i'm searching some hours on board index and styles.css to find that but i cant: Maybe it's <br> <p> or maybe not.. This is the link: http://Systemfreaks.com I just want to make it smaller, like the space of menu for example
  19. i have already did that, but they can use any other dimension
  20. on licensed is officially released before some weeks, I got it for free since I'm client. Not about nulled I don't know.
  21. Release Candidates are partially supported only. There will be bugs in the Release Candidates. Do not use Release Candidates if any sort of issues will impact your ability to enjoy your site.
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