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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. Version v1


    Here are some current moods that i have create, i just take this idea from Country Hook. So with this method you will be able to choose your current mood and will be displayed on main index. A picture preview of my forum is available. Here is the code for CustomProfile Fields: [b][b]Option Content (for drop downs, checkboxes and radio buttons) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/b][/b][code=auto:0] Angry=Angry Astonished=Astonished Bored=Bored Busy=Busy Careless=Careless Confused=Confused Crazy=Crazy Crying=Crying Devilish=Devilish Disgusted=Disgusted Dumb=Dumb Embarased=Embarased Enough=Enough Fighting=Fighting Greedy=Greedy Happy=Happy Hilarious=Hilarious Hungry=Hungry Inlove=Inlove Jealous=Jealous Joyful=Joyful Nerdy=Nerdy Outside=Outside Playful=Playful Sad=Sad Shifty=Shifty Sick=Sick Singing=Singing Sneaky=Sneaky Speachless=Speachless Tricky=Tricky Wacky=Wacky Unsure=Unsure Tricky=Tricky[/code] [b][b]Topic View Format?[/b][/b][code=html:0] <dl class="pairsJustified"> <dt>{title}:</font></dt> <dd><span class="row_data"> <img src='http://fitness-lab.eu/mod/moods/{key}.png'></span> </dd></dl> [/code] [b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b][b]By Andrew For Webflake.sx Regards![/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b][/b]
  2. Version v1.


    Here are some award icons that i'm using right now on my forum. The preview images is from my "Skin" but it's almost the same on any theme. Hope you like them, enjoy!
  3. Dear members, there is nothing better and stable than invision Power.
  4. Andrew™

    Question Question.

    is allowed to share here for free paid apps and hooks ? Like reason ban , etc.
  5. hello guys, my name is Andrew, I'm website developer, designer programmer and personal trainer. Feel free to ask me everything related to that.
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