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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. LOL, i didn't know that! problem fixed, so easy! Thank you!
  2. Almost 2 days, and still the same : what to do guys? :(​
  3. I think i should wait 24 hours for dns refresh...all settings seems fine!
  4. Back to base! WOW!!! it's freaking FASTERRRRRR!! Good job guys!
  5. ​Thank you David Still watching this: I need at least to change this damn javascript text.
  6. aa, i know that but @Beaker i'm back to ipb 3.4.8 il go again to ips 4 maybe next year, tell me how to do int on 3.4.8
  7. ​Can you tell me exactly where is this pencil setting? i'm lost right now Thanks for your time!
  8. That's nice. Thank you so the metta description is the description of main website link?
  9. Hello guys, everytime that i share my website or any post link of my website i see this here: Now the ips icon is not vissible don't know why...How i can change the shared logo and text? in topic links il need the sectret for the image (logo) only. On topic link shares i see the title and info normaly but again ips logo comes up as basic icon.
  10. Stupids will stay stupids, don't worry about the​ downtime, WebFlake FTW
  11. ​Τhanks for your commnets, main colors has been updated, but i didn't update the picures. Dark colors: blue-gray ​http://strawhats.eu ​I like it much more now. It looks better. Great job. ​Thanks mate yes with a cool combo of two colors it's nice.
  12. ​Τhanks for your commnets, main colors has been updated, but i didn't update the picures. Dark colors: blue-gray ​http://strawhats.eu
  13. ​Wow, it was disabled...Thank so much mate really. I didn't know that it was a hook for that setting. Solved
  14. Hello guys, i have some problems with autoawarding by posts: it's not working, don't know why. Here are my settings: The small poster awards is the first that users take: "1 post required. If there is any other setting that i have to look up, let me know Thanks for your time!
  15. ​Wow i didn't know that, that's bad... Thank you. Guest must see the topics. ( i will just hide links/photos,etc.) ​Was so easy, thank you buddy <3 SOLVED.
  16. Thanks @John666M This is what i'm using: <dl class="pairsJustified"> <dt><img src="http://strawhats.eu/public/mod-icons/reputation.jpg"> Bounty:</dt> <dd>$<if test="RepPositive:|:$author['pp_reputation_points'] > 0"> <div class='reputation positive' data-tooltip="{parse expression=" $author['author_reputation']"}"><div style='font-size:8px'> {parse expression="$this->lang->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</div> </if> <if test="RepNegative:|:$author['pp_reputation_points'] < 0"> <div class='reputation negative' data-tooltip="{parse expression=" $author['author_reputation']"}"><div style='font-size:8px'> {parse expression="$this->lang->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</div> </if> <if test="RepZero:|:$author['pp_reputation_points'] == 0"> <div class='reputation zero' data-tooltip="{parse expression=" $author['author_reputation']"}"><div style='font-size:8px'> {parse expression="$this->lang->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</div> I want also if it's possible to change the text style to normal and not to bold: example: 100$ to 100$ i don't know from where it comes bold..
  17. Hello guys, i have change my reputation system to: bounty system. that means 1 reputation: 1$ But i can't add the dollar inside, because of coding...i'm making something bad. Now it's like: And i want it like this: Here is the live view: http://www.StrawHats.eu Site is not shared yet, so it's ok! thanks for your time!
  18. Here is a simple template that i liked so much: i used the deflection as base. Current progress: 80% tell me your opinions Main Index: Apps/Mods Pages: Profile: Topics: IN progress: Better design team icons & Some more styling. Almost Complete!
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