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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. ​ ​Thank you both guys il do it in 5 mintues and i will tell you.
  2. How to remove this space here guys?: Like webflake....i know it's easy but i can't find...IPS4 is so different
  3. Fixed. Thank you all for your replies!
  4. ​i have delete the full previous files...i installed the nulled here: www.systemfreaks.com (my second site) with my old database, from 3.4.8 But i get this error: Error code: EX2 ​I don't have enough information to help you, did you upgrades from a retail version to a nulled version? ​i used only the database, i have delete all the retail public html, to start it with nulled files, i also used the "something not working" and now my main page is blank
  5. ​i have delete the full previous files...i installed the nulled here: www.systemfreaks.com (my second site) with my old database, from 3.4.8 But i get this error: Error code: EX2
  6. ​Andrew™ has purchased /licensed IPB so he can download it right from Client Area ​Im 3 years customer can you please tell me, when i will finish the update, how i can do the recache of skins " or the full cache?
  7. ​Thank you, since the nulled is out, the licensed is ready too. i'musing only licensed, Thanks for support mate.
  8. Really? i didn't see it on client area. So where are the settings of users avatars. Or i just need the
  9. IPs 4.0.4 ​is really awesome, but is so hard for me to use it, it's so different on code/acp side.
  10. Sidebar fixed, was on Block Manager.
  11. I just updated my forum to 4 but the avatar of the members are broken... it's like the link of uploaded images is wrong...but i didn't change nothing. Sorry for double post, sidebar fixed, and i have to say that is freaking awesome!
  12. damnnnn you are right...I have remove the coppa code, so here is the problem.....I will revert the register tables. Thanks !!!
  13. Http://fitness-lab.eu 3.4.7 licensed...I just noticed today but some members tells me that has 2 days that no one can register. I have rechache, reload etc. thanks I didn't change nothing these days, I was traveling....
  14. Updated: Bigg avatar Size, Bigger infopane space, Different Team icon
  15. I have a question guys, i'm using the latest licence of 3x4 I want if is possible to open one more forum with same license.. Example, main site: Fitness-lab.eu Second: Name.Fitness-lab.eu I will need to pay it like a extra domain? or will work fine with same serial? Thank you.
  16. Well it's useless...nothing to import :)
  17. What exactly is that forum? Anyway, good luck with it.
  18. There are icons, how can you guys report that as broken? lol.... This is not the awards system -> (only the icons)
  19. Try to recache everything: skin,xml, apps, etc. use cache management too.
  20. its fitness-lab.eu I'm running 3.4.7 now, until il fix my skin for 4.
  21. Version 1.0.1


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