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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. i just used some different html/css comands and it's working well without all that css SOLVED.
  2. ​Thank you, is use it like this because i need 2" one left and one right. can you please add that to my base because i'm confused, all day working with that info pane :/? example: .fieldchar{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } add the extra width:100% or your other trick here if it's possible, so i will be able to make it for both, title/content, thank you
  3. In all screens it's like this: Fields code: (ony on fields is the problem, when i remove them, posts and reps working normaly on any screen) <div class="fieldchar"><img src="http://strawhats.eu/icons/speciality.jpg"> Character: </div><div class="fieldchar1">{content}</div><br> Css code: I have make a class for all one by one (for the {title}:left and the {content}:right. /** Reputation Field */ .fieldrep{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } .fieldrep1{ text-align: right; display: inline-block; float:right; } /** Reputation Field */ .fieldposts{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } .fieldposts1{ text-align: right; display: inline-block; float:right; } /** Character Field */ .fieldchar{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } .fieldchar1{ text-align: right; display: inline-block; float:right; } /** Location Field */ .fieldloc{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } .fieldloc1{ text-align: right; display: inline-block; float:right; } /** Mood Field */ .fieldmood{ text-align: left; display: inline-block; float:left; } .fieldmood1{ text-align: right; display: inline-block; float:right; } On mine with 100% normal zoom it's like this: if i change it to :120% or 80% will be as the 1st picure
  4. ​working awesome <3 Thank you both guys for your time! SOLVED!
  5. ​i'm confused :S can you paste me here what i need to change? this is what i found: <li class='ipsType_light'>{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}</li></div>
  6. ​Thanks buddy, but i'm still searching for this page , i have no idea where to find the "search bar"
  7. ​Thanks can you tell me exactly where it is? because i have no idea about ips4 settings.. Give me a source, ex: settings/forum/langueage/right click: edit. I can't also find this search bar like yours
  8. Hello guys again, sorry for all tohse posts, but i want to learn everything on ips4 since it's new and since i'm on the right place Here is what i wat: to let only the number of posts vissible: Live: http://StrawHats.eu Code: <div class="field-title"><img src="http://strawhats.eu/icons/posts.jpg"><font <a href="" shape="poly" coords="136,238,137,301,3,306,3,242"><li>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li> <li><img src='{file="$comment->author()->group['g_icon']" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'></li <div class="field-title"><img src="http://strawhats.eu/icons/posts.jpg"><font color="6666CC"> Posts:</font></div> <div class="content-title"> <li class='ipsType_light'>{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}</li></div> color="6666CC"> Posts:</font></div> <div class="content-title"> <li class='ipsType_light'>{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}</li></div>
  9. ​You are awesome chief i didn't know tha too, so it's easy to change everything without search hours Solved!
  10. Hello dear members, i just inspected the element that i want to change. SO if found the pixels that i need to change "for table size" From 15px i want to make it 8px. It says it's on framework css area (but i searched them all, one by one) Check live: http://StrawHats.eu Picture:
  11. ​You are the best! Thank you Chief, was so easy! Edit: You can move the topic
  12. Thank you cheif. And thank you all of you guys, @billybob @0kelvin @DavidPolak i just saw your comments. Now i'm working for IPS4 Style: New icons, easy to read and "same mini icons just for the base" 40% complete! Soon coming updated.
  13. Thanks @John666M i have make a new method since the replies late to be visible...i have send it you on message
  14. ​Thanks for reply, still the same :s http://strawhats.eu/index.php?/topic/12-test-test-1-2-3/#comment-17
  15. ​So will be like this? #ipsLayout_mainArea { background: #fff; display: table-cell; height: 100%; vertical-align: top; {prefix="box-sizing" value="border-box"} } Check your pm also if you have time
  16. @John666M i found that: but i see the reps/posts 2 times. <li class='ipsResponsive_hidePhone'>{template="reputationBadge" group="global" app="core" params="$comment->author()"}</li> <li class='ipsType_light'>{lang="member_post_count" pluralize="$comment->author()->member_posts"}</li> {{if $comment->author()->reputationImage()}} <li class='ipsPad_half ipsResponsive_hidePhone'> <img src='{file="$comment->author()->reputationImage()" extension="core_Theme"}' title='{{if $comment->author()->reputation()}}{$comment->author()->reputation()}{{endif}}' alt=''> </li>
  17. ​So i'm covered about that, thank you very much! Problem solved!
  18. I don't know why but when i create a poll, is on half screen. Live link: http://strawhats.eu/index.php?/topic/12-test-test-1-2-3/#comment-17
  19. Hello web flake members, i just want to create one more button on ym menu like yours: About us. Exactly i need just one page. example: Chatroom. So i need that page to code also a chat, that's why i'm typing + available html. Is there any setting to do a blank page and to add it on menu? Like webflake's about us" setting.? Or i need to code it? Thanks for your time!
  20. ​I don't reccomend that, it's just showing where you are, example: index, forums, pages, members, calendar, etc. You will need then to remove it from everywhere
  21. @John666M Thanks for leting me know where i have to make my edits. I used another method. How about to make the posts and reps like: Posts: 10 Reputation: 1 And not like: Posts:1 Reputation Profile fixed, Tables left, i don't know where to find them, i have find some table px but it's like is not working when i change the size.
  22. Hello guys, since i'm newbie on ips 4, source, code, etc. I want a little help about those things: Forum Tables: I want to decrease a little the size of forum tables, on index, and on forums" Example: from this: -------------------------------------------------- i just want to decrease some px, but i don't know where the source is. Now about the profile: NOTE: Current, the team icons is down. i want it above like second image. i know that is easy to make it for one who knows where to search... It's not like ipb3.4x like all basic are on: ipb_styles.css Here are on different places with different base. If anyone can help me , i will pay him too
  23. ​I already use your method with .css it's fine thank you!
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