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Rising Star
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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. Version 1.0


    Please note: This only works on IPB 3.4, not 4.0+ Created by apachenick. Here is an integration that allows you to integrate your forum's information into your website. For example, you can use this to integrate your forum login, topic feed, or anything you wish to use it for.
  2. No problem. I'm really glad I was able to help.
  3. You shouldn't have huge problems with those applications, but it is recommended to update them whenever you upgrade to 4.3, if possible. A 4.3 release has been public for quite a while now, so most plugin developers should have updated their products. Here is a guide on upgrading your software properly;
  4. I'm sure it's included in WF's 4.3.5 release.
  5. {{if $member ->member_group_id == 2}} {$member->link()|raw} {expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $member->member_group_id )->Name" raw="true"} {{else}} {{endif] Edit: Nevermind, I just realized what you're asking for.
  6. It's more than likely due to; ipsNavBar_active As it only happens when you hover or have an active item
  7. It's the same on all DevFuse products
  8. In the alert, "Tasks" is underlined meaning there is a link. Click the link and run the task.
  9. More than likely a CSS issue. If you PM me your forum url, I'd be able to help you.
  10. Esta es una comunidad de habla inglesa
  11. Go into the database and find the core_members table. Remove the table that displays IP Addresses. Then, in the admin cp, you can disable moderators and administrators from seeing IP Addresses. Even so, you can edit the current theme you're using and remove the code that displays IP's on posts.
  12. What messages are you receiving?
  13. Try upgrading the theme to the latest version to work on 4.3.
  14. In the previous releases, you were required to change the permissions in order to proceed with the upgrade. I think this has been changed in the 4.3.5 WF release.
  15. What kind of project is this for? A game server? A forum community? Also, what exactly are you looking for to be done? I understand that you wrote applications, hooks, custom php code, and theme editing, however it would be better to specifically highlight whatever you want done.
  16. .cPost { color: #FFF; } or body { color: #fff; }
  17. Use the WP converter in the software. Start here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/migrating-from-another-platform/installing-the-converters-r209/
  18. Use the WP converter in the software. Start here: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/getting-started/migrating-from-another-platform/installing-the-converters-r209/
  19. What specific content do you want to move?
  20. <a href="DISCORD INVITE LINK"><img src="https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/SERVER_ID/widget.png?style=banner2" alt="Discord" style="width:100%">
  21. I believe you have to leave the code there and get Google to approve of your site.
  22. If I understand the post correctly, you want to put Google Advertisements on your forum? Use the "Advertisement" feature; Site Promotions -> Advertisements
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