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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. or you could always spend $10 and never have to worry about being an inactive user ever again https://webflake.sx/donate/
  2. In the thread you attempted to copy, this was one of the comments:
  3. If you upload the same theme and remove the current one, it will install using https and not http (like the current one).
  4. Have you tried using the support feature in the admincp?
  5. Paying a few hundred dollars for a forum software with security flaws is not ideal anymore. There are a lot of free, open sourced alternatives that work a lot better than vB.
  6. Can you please provide a link to your forum, so that I can find the correct class. However, it will look like this; .block { color: #161616; }
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Created by LukaFurlan. GitHub: https://github.com/Lukafurlan123/RSS-feed-handler-for-IPB The RSS Feed Handler will take RSS feeds from multiple sources and display them in order (by date) on your website.
  8. Version 2.5.4


    To put it simply, it welcomes newly registered members. It will welcome them with an optional personal message, email or topic alert. From there you can further customize each pm, email or topic message, the subject / title and so on. It also has the ability to welcome members that are added manually through the Admin CP.
  9. Price was changed to $15 due to a $5 discount.
  10. If you were able to gather about $20-$30, you could use the current studio I use for my designs; https://viznary.com
  11. That plugin is for 3.4. This one is for 4.x; https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7274-category-tabs-by-ips-themes/
  12. If they used legit emails, they can just recover the password for the account. However, if they didn't, you'd have to set the password in the admin control panel.
  13. In conf_global.php, change the URL to have "https". And use this plugin for images:
  14. Your path should look like this: /home/(your user)/public_html/forum/uploads/
  15. I believe that the holidays function was removed from 4.0 themes.
  16. The converter is pre-installed in the software.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    The plugin displays information about the date of forum start and/or the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes that elapsed since its inception.
  18. Re-upload the software and database onto your host. In another directory, do a fresh install and use the converters on your new forum.
  19. In terms of security and user experience? Personally, it has a lot of settings and allows me to secure my computer my way. In terms in security, it's better than nothing. I wish that ESET had it's own VPN.
  20. Welcome to WebFlake. I am also from Texas. But who is Matt?
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