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Rising Star
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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/themes-and-customizations/tips-tricks_362/changing-fontawesome-icons-per-forum-r164/
  2. No, it hasn't been fixed yet. URL: http://empyrean.ps/forums/
  3. The font isn't loaded onto the forum? CSS: Font file is currently in public_html/assets/fonts/galano.otf/
  4. Move than likely the file is corrupted. How are you saving the icon?
  5. Add to custom.css .ipsMessage_success { background: #479c87; } .ipsMessage { padding: 15px 15px 15px 45px; border-radius: 2px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); } html[dir="ltr"] .ipsMessage:before { left: 15px; } .ipsMessage_success:before { content: '\f00c'; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; position: absolute; top: 15px; font-size: 20px; } Create the Saved Action and add <div class="ipsMessage ipsMessage_success"> The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic. </div> Make sure the group you're in can Post HTML
  6. <iframe src="http://media.steampowered.com/apps/csgo/blog/images/nuke.webm width="500px" height="500px"></iframe>
  7. This theme is for IPS 4.1 and you're using it on 4.3.5? Use:
  8. Yes, it is a saved action. However, it will just load the CSS from your current theme.
  9. 482 downloads

    Credits: @samukka Introducing Vivid! A dark, beautiful flex theme that has a sidebar to make whole body overlay with the content. *NEW* Framework You don’t just get a simple theme, you’ll get settings that will change the default framework into your own. It’s your website, make it yours! *NEW* Language Setting Keys In this theme, we've set up the language keys for our settings. I know all of you were dying to wait for this, so you can understand the settings very well. *NEW* Secondary Footer: Twitter Integration Introducing Twitter integration! In the configuration settings, you'll be able to enable/disable, modify the Twitter footer title, and of course, input your user profile name. *NEW* Social Icons In our new framework, we introduce you with new social icons: Instagram, Dribbble, Soundcloud, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. *NEW* Back to Top Also in our framework, when you scroll down, you'll see the back to top button so you don't have to scroll yourself. *NEW* Hide/Show Sidebar On the right side of the sidebar, you'll be able to hide and show the sidebar by simply toggling the sidebar button. Also, a huge thanks to @Martin A. for helping me with the cookie. *NEW* Hide/Show Horizontal Footer Widget(s) On the right side of the horizontal footer title, you'll be able to hide and show the widget(s) by simply toggling the arrow button. Google Font Choose your own font to be display everywhere on your forum. Google Font Weight(s) Put more styles into the new font you chose. Override Site Title Spice up your site title by putting in the title you want to be display on the header. Body Background Image By default, you'll be able to upload a background to make the content overlay with your selected background. Enable Secondary Footer Need more storage for the footer? Don’t worry, we created another footer so you can store more stuff or anything that you want inside. Secondary Footer: About Us Also on the secondary footer, we made an about us section so you can describe your site and your users interests. Appearance You will get setting(s) of changing the default colors to your own liking.
  10. Either use the Menu Icons plugin or edit the code inside the theme's CSS.
  11. I don't know what to tell you or the owner. If the members prefer discord or the forum, there isn't any big incentive, on any forum software, to switch.
  12. Why not use Discord? Discord is too strong, but I don't see why you'd want to use a forum if all of your members prefer using the discord ? Doing a good job in community management means listen to what they want, not what you want.
    When trying to upload, it crashes. No thanks.
  13. Valentin?#1429 Although he seems to have disappeared one day. Don't know why.
  14. While on the support team, I've dealt with support requests with users who have done this and have had issues. If you'd like to have a successful upgrade from 3.4 to 4.3, I'd do this: Upgrade from 3.4.x to 4.0 first. Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.3.6. 4.0 is a more stable release for being able to upgrade from 3.4. Here is a guide to upgrade correctly:
  15. It's a moderator permission, not an administrator permission. When logged into your admincp: Members -> Staff -> Moderator -> (edit the desired group) -> Content tab
  16. FLine with Surface Dark nav.
  17. Searched "transitioning gaming landing pages". https://www.google.com/search?q=transitioning+gaming+landing+page&amp;rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS752US752&amp;oq=transitioning+gaming+landing+page&amp;aqs=chrome..69i57.2001j0j7&amp;sourceid=chrome&amp;ie=UTF-8
  18. For the chat box emojis, you can change the emoticons in Customizations. As for the users password, I don’t think there is a plugin for that.
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