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Rising Star
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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. I do not advise doing this and recommend you make a backup before doing this, but you could create a new database. Create a new database and db user. Go into your config file and check the database, db user, and db password. Then using Phpmyadmin, add a new user (an admin account) by adding a new table in the core_members
  2. Go into your theme and find this template: core -> global -> global -> js_theme Remove the following Javascript: {{if theme.feature_2}} var headerHeight = {theme="logoheight"}; var minHeaderHeight = {theme="ipsfocus_text"}; var heightElements = '.wDesktop a.logo'; $(window).scroll(function(){ var amountScrolled = $(window).scrollTop(); var maxScrollAmount = headerHeight - minHeaderHeight; var newHeight = headerHeight - amountScrolled; if((amountScrolled >= 0) && (amountScrolled <= maxScrollAmount)){ $(heightElements).css({ "height": newHeight + "px", "max-height": newHeight + "px", }); } else if($(window).scrollTop() > maxScrollAmount){ $(heightElements).css({ "height": minHeaderHeight + "px", "max-height": minHeaderHeight + "px", }); } }); {{endif}}
  3. What is your problem? I can't quite understand. You made an account and assigned it to the "Founder" group. Is your problem that the software doesn't actually assign the group to that user? Did you click save when you assigned the group?
  4. I assume you're talking about how WebFlake has custom posts for moderation. Here's an example for support requests being marked as solved: You just add the code into your theme's custom.css or create your own CSS template inside the theme. CSS: .ipsMessage_success { background: #479c87; } .ipsMessage { padding: 15px 15px 15px 45px; border-radius: 2px; position: relative; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.1); }
  5. I don't really understand what your problem or what you're trying to ask help for. Here's a guide I made for properly upgrading your software. It may be of some assistance to you.
  6. Did you download the 4.2 software from WF? If you did not, it was probably due to that. I've upgraded forums with 4.2 to 4.3 without a problem. Sorry that you lost your content, however you should have made a backup of your forum (files and db) before you even upgrade or convert to another forum.
  7. Looks like FLine. Here's the updated theme for 4.3:
  8. What's "IT"? The userbar or the membergroup? For userbar, use something such as Imgur to resize the image. For the membergroup title, you can change it in the group settings: <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16px"></span>
  9. I've used Android for as long as I remember. Never had the opportunity to test IOS. However, I feel like I'm getting peer pressured by my friends to get an iPhone ?
  10. This is probably due to a problem with permissions.
  11. Jeffrey

    CKEditor bug?

    @iRage is your problem only on that theme or on all themes? If so, you could fix it using some CSS edits.
  12. It depends on the person and the type of environment your setup is currently in. If the curtains are open and the sun is shining, maybe a light theme. If it's in the middle of the night and you don't have any lights on, maybe a dark theme.
  13. It's sad to see him go. I look forward to his return. ?
  14. It's in your block manager, in the System category.
  15. Colors Web Gradients - https://webgradients.com/ Flat Colors - https://flatuicolors.com/
  16. File Name: Simplicity 1.0.0 File URL: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8732-simplicity/ File Price: $15 Contributors: @RainbowDash - $10 @Jeffrey- $5 If you'd like to contribute, please leave a comment with the following message: I'd like to contribute $(X).
  17. .author { display: none; } Put in custom.css
  18. It will more than likely be fixed in the 4.3.4 update. Edit: which was released today
  19. It's not just your topic. The staff team just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  20. I found the issue. It's because I started the constants.php file with <php and not <?php Use; <?php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE ); ?> Resolved.
  21. Hello WebFlake, I'm having an issue with adding developer tools to my suite. I currently have uploaded a new, clean version of IPS 4.3.3, uploaded the dev tools (downloaded from the official IPS site), and added the following code to my constants.php file; <php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE ); ?> The end result;
  22. Either this is a known problem in the official IPS software or just WF's nulled version, but numerous have had the same issue;
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