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Rising Star
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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I noticed that there was only four versions of Carbon: Red, Orange, Blue, and Green. I thought it would be fun to try to make a different colored version of Carbon. This is what came out of it.
  2. I really like the font for the theme. It looks clean and professional.
    As I was a Moderator for RSPSCoding, I do not think that Apache will approve of this. But, there is numerous known bugs with this skin, so do not be shocked if you find them.
  3. The skin has a few bugs. Unless you want to fix the bugs, I would suggest not using this.   Bugs: Forum Management doesn't work, Change Theme Feature doesn't work, Member's "Show Card" doesn't appear, and some more I haven't found yet. 
  4. I do not think there is a Thanks button. Don't see why it should be added.
  5. Got my Christmas Skin and Christmas Theme on my Browser. Can't wait for Christmas to roll around and for it to become 2015.

  6. This guide/tutorial will serve as a way for current/future Site Administrators from all over the internet that use IP.Board as their choice of software to use to earn a little bit more money. Please note that I only intent to help users who are willing to use this guide and place advertisements on their Forums. First, to get start, visit http://www.google.com/adsense/start/ [ Warning: This is an External Link] After visiting the link provided above, you must sign in, using an existing Google Account (Gmail). If you do not have a Google Account, you will have to take the time to create one. Once you have signed in, please take the time to click Save Password. Depending on what browser you are using, different messages will appear wanting you to save your password. Internet Explorer will be located at the bottom of the page and Google Chrome will be located at the right-top corner of the browser. After you have signed in, visit the link once again. This time you will be able to officially start the process of getting your Advertisements. Locate and click on the Get Started Now button. Once you have click the button, you will be redirected to a new page. Here you must fill out the Application Process. After everything has been submitted to Google, you will be able to access to view how many view you have, what ads you have, and how many page views you have. Unfortunately, you will not have any page views as you have just recently made your Adsense account. At the top of the page, you will see a notification that states that your application has been submitted and is awaiting approval. You complete the Application Process, you must create ads and put them onto your Forums. To create ads, locate and click on "My Ads". Here is will display what ads you currently have. Unfortunately, you will not have any ads has you have recently made your account with Adsense. Find New Ad Unit and click on it to create a new ad. You will be asked to give the Name of the new Ad Unit, what dimensions you want the ad to be, and what the ad type is. Once you have filled out all this information, click on Save and Get Code. You will be supplied a code that you must implement into your Forums. Please take the time to log into your Admin Control Panel on your Forums. http://yoursite.com/admin/index.php [ Used as an Example] Once you have logged into your Admin Control Panel, locate Look & Feel. Find the name of your current skin that is being used on your Forums. Click on your current skin. A large variety of Templates will display and you are able to edit the Forums in any way you choose. Click on Board Index, which is located below Global Templates. A larger variety of templates will be displayed. Click on boardindexTemplate. On the first line, before: <if test="$this->settings['hoverDescriptions']='no'"></if> Add the code supplied to you by Google Adsense. Once you have added it, you have the choice to center the Ad on at the top of the page. To center the Ad, use: <center> CODE HERE </center> You can scroll down to the bottom of boardindexTemplate to add the code to the bottom of your index page. Please use the last couple steps to have you. Once both codes have been added, you can click on Save, that is located at the top of the Templates. Make sure to look at your Forums. You will notice that large sections are empty and no ads appear. They will appear empty until Google Adsense has approved your application.
  7. Thank You, I appreciate it. It wasn't much work to make my introduction. I love meeting new people.
  8. Hello, I'm Jeff. Lately, I have registered myself onto the site just for the downloads, but after looking at the strong community that was built here, I felt like registering wasn't about the downloads. Anyways, I'm just a "normal" person who just enjoys talking and spending time with friends. I've recently started my own project and created an Anime Discussion Forums. When creating this, I had intentions of building a strong community that enjoyed Anime. I will not post the link to the site since I do not want to advertisement it on here. However, if you are interested it looking at it, you could check my profile's URL (Enter the site at your own will. I do not want to seem to force people to visit it.) Well, Thank You for Reading, - Jeff
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