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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Hello Guys,Let's welcome Davlin to our staff team! He'll be our latest addition to our Moderation team. Davlin has been active on our website since forumcore and we find him a great addition.So (from all of us at WF) welcome, Davlin, to our staff
  2. You'll be uploading TBs you said? I suggest either going with a good filehost or setting up a server somehow with a few harddrives.
  3. If you cannot find that template bit, it is a ripped version.
  4. Phun

    Hi there!!

    What the hell is leakforums. Welcome to WebFlake man, please read our rules. Enjoy!
  5. Justin wanted to leave and so he left.
  6. You would want that light off, all the time.
  7. Phun


    Quotes and CODE is broken on 3.4.2 if that's the version you're using.
  8. Stop bumping or you'll get suspended for spamming. Pips & User Icons is a hook that allows you to do this.
  9. This is the easiest fucking thing, come on dude. REPLACE THE IMAGE, BY ANOTHER IMAGE. HOLY SHIT. Post above me is right.
  10. You'll lose the values that IPB needs to connect to your database.
  11. 1. Take a backup of all your files & database2. Upload all the IPB files that are new *dont overwrite conf_global.php*3. Go to yoursite.com/admin/upgrade4. Follow the upgrade process.--If you need help, i'm only one PM away.
  12. Thanks mate and i'll surely enjoy that cookie, too.
  13. Well hello there! Nowhere in this silly IP.Board installation will you find a setting to change the output count of the recent topics hook, actually to change it you have to manually edit a file every single time! No more, because with this little tutorial, we're gonna add a setting so you can easily change the number of recent topics shown. ====================================================================== Step 1. Log in to your Admin Control Panel. Go to System Settings and press the "Add new Setting Group" Button. Step 2. Fill out the form like you see in the image below: Step 3. Go to that setting (found in the "Hooks" tab) and click it. Hit the "Add New Setting" button. Step 4. Fill that form out with the following values: (Leave the rest blank) Step 5. You're done in the Admin CP. Open your FTP Program and locate the following file: /admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php In that file you want to find (CTRL+F) the word "topicCount". You will see this: Step 6. Replace the code from step 5 with the following: http://pastebin.com/npmtpfNY Once you're finished, it should look like this: Step 7. Save the file and re-upload it. Overwrite the old file. You're now done! Try changing the value in the settings and you'll see it works like a charm. Tutorial by Phun ©WebFlake.net - If you want to publish this tutorial elsewhere, please mention our website as source.
  14. New icons, can you spot them?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yuu


      Tutorials and Guides and Donators resources (i think?)

    3. Guest


      Moderator Forum ;)

    4. Desire


      Where's wally for WF.

  15. New icons, can you spot them?

  16. New icons, can you spot them?

  17. New icons, can you spot them?

  18. Is there an addon or modification you're using that has to do with posts, shows in posts or does something after posting something? If yes: Disable it and see if that helps. If it does please post the name of the modification here.
  19. Nice SEO tutorial for beginners, much appreciated
  20. Phun

    Damn, almost cried

    Never seen the movie either, what's the kind of story going on? I think i was near tears only twice with two movies which both involved dogs. Marley & Me: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0822832/And Hachiko: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1028532/
  21. Another fine edition of WebFlake Cereal!
  22. Phun


    Erhmagehrd danger is back.
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