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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Glad to see you resolved your issue! Maybe you should write a tutorial on it for webflake! The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  2. Phun


    Invision Juice Board
  3. Thinking about starting hosting again :/ Don't have any funds though Q-Q

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris


      The guys who took over the hosting of Exint, didn't let me access anything. I basically was left hanging.

    3. Desire


      Phun, I didn't get any of my backups back.

      I'm not worried, but the people who took over Exint didn't do their job properly.

    4. Phun


      The guy who took it over handled the backup process unresponsibly but we informed every single one of our clients where they could download them (for free).

  4. No problem, i assume that your topic is solved so i'm going to close it, if you have other issues please make a new topic The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  5. Hello, we are an English speaking forum so please translate your posts into English before posting them. Welcome to WebFlake
  6. Hello CART, Just change these numbers in Admin Control Panel -> Members -> Edit Group ____ -> Global -> Reputation:
  7. Means that PHP is trying allocate 32+ MB while your PHP settings are restricting you from doing that. Your hosting company needs to change this to atleast 128MB for IPB to run smoothly.
  8. Thanks for your file submission King-Pin.
  9. You're the admin of the norton so you can't cant your site to norton. What you are saying does not make any sense, sir.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=86JMcy5OqZA GG Windows, GG.
  11. Welcome to WebFlake, i hope you're going to be participating in our wonderful community and share your knowledge here. Please be sure to read our rules and such before posting. Have a nice day!
  12. NOTE: Not Safe For Work, Contains Blood I... i just... why pinkie, why?
  13. Punch first.. ask questions while punching.

  14. Phun

    Feedback Download Limit? Really?

    There is currently a bug present in IP.Downloads where some users may experience issues when trying to download files with on a downloads system with a restriction in place.We basically can't have ads, download restrictions to promote donations, anything else to promote people to donate?Our site's quality is SO high. We've managed to filter out duplicates, leechers etc. with the systems we have in place. Our staff team is amazing. Our uptime since Forumcore has grown alot. This server basically costs around $60 per month. You get EVERYTHING on this site for free.. skins, releases, mods, apps and even scripts & templates.Having a restriction sucks, i know, but apparently we have to put these in place to stop people from ruining everything.
  15. Jrock is right. I've seen this happen before (it even happened to me) and one of the safest solutions is to format your hard drive and reinstall your operating system.
    1. Chris


      Oh my. That is quite sexy

    2. Guest


      Doesn't make any sense to me but ok its Phunnish

  16. Man we're just a few years away from holographic 360° 3D interfaces.
  17. Hello, welcome to WebFlake. Thanks for your thorough introductory post. I hope you'll enjoy it here as much as the rest. !
  18. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  19. This is a copy-paste tutorial dating from somewhere around 2010.
  20. Everybody's gay for braeburn. EVERYbOdY. http://gyazo.com/07483f194f1b761d7821c6f1f5f39339 P.S. ITS A REFERENCE LADIES & GENTLEMEN, A REFERENCE.
  21. Not anymore it's not If you had an account on forumcore before, but not on webflake you'll be just fine.
  22. I think you're using an outdated skin for your IPB version.
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