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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. how about your .htaccess do you have this there and enabled i see whit page
  2. i dont have that but mine seems to work thats weard
  3. see if your host can disable the mod secuirty that should be the issue if not mabe a member here knows how to get around this
  4. you should look for secuirty section in your host
  5. is this a new hosting for you if so did it propergate yet if so than try to disable mod_security and see if that work
  6. look here this might help you if that is the board you are using separate-pinned-topics
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Dimension (dark) is a minimal theme for xenforo 2 with a unique header effect. After scrolling, the parallax header collapses into a fixed bar at the top of the page, at the same time blurring the background image, focusing on the navigation links. Theme is packed with customizable features that can be easily enabled or disabled from the admin control panel.
  8. ips would be the best but we do not know what you are using and if you want all the best stuff ipb
  9. i been reading this topic and has any one check there mod securty if its an abled it would have that effect on notfound i hadd that same issue try to disable your mod securty
  10. thats how you enable gif for groups
  11. you have to go to profile in the iemage showing
  12. what theme are you using try this #ipsLayout_header>Header{background: #046092 url('https://www.yourwebsite.com/image/') repeat 50% 50%; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; }
  13. Version 1.0.0


    [AH] Gamer Profiles - this plugin uses the user's custom fields, allowing users to enter links to their profile in which they play. It can be configured to use certain player profiles if you do not want to display them all. Just look in the properties of the [AH] Gamer Profiles style for the display settings for the icons you need. Info: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/ah-gamer-profiles.6822/ Supports profiles Steam the PlayStation the Xbox the Origin Battle.net Home of Epic Games is of Second Life Discord Twitch Mixer the YouTube
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Report Improvements by Xon 2.2.0 - Improve XenForo 2 Complaint System Report Improvements by Xon is a collection of improvements to the XF 2 complaints and warnings system. When installed, all existing alerts are copied to the new alert change tracking log and linked to reports. This process occurs as a background task and does not disrupt work. Info: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/report-improvements-by-xon.6905/
  15. got to addmin profile settings globale Applies the group formatting to usernames anywhere they are shown, unless the user's group name is also shown which will be formatted instead
  16. invsion has change this by default where guest can post so you would have to change this manually
  17. go to addmin look for posting and disable for guest
  18. I don't think there is a plugin for this. I know google has powerful blocks for this through the admin panel.
  19. PM me the site. Ill look at it and ill give you guys the code. easy to code stuff like this. if you want custom pages like that just let me know.
  20. thats a legand you are asking for groups thats why i ask what codes you need for that something like this or know legend
  21. how you doing we all doing fine
  22. spotify for me it has a better interface than apple with spot you can search for a group that you want and it will give you that group like iron maiden i will get there albums not like apple or anyother that will only play whats in that group i said above so if you search for iron maiden or black sabbath its going to add other groups/metal
  23. ok and you can use this one two <span style='color: #007FFF; background: url(Image/Vmao0.gif); font-weight: bold;'> suffix </span>
  24. if you are not using any plugins disable them and delet unused the ones you are not using they do take up lots of data ps also you can try some of these that might help you Database Size
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