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Everything posted by Justin™

  1. 97 downloads

    This BBCode allow right or left align for images.
  2. Sob wants to change the word "topic" to "discussion" not change the board url.
  3. In your skin's boardindex template find <tr class='header'> and change it to this <tr class='header hide'>
  4. That's the footer_utilities division in the global template. Just edit it out like this:
  5. 330 downloads

    [b][size=5][size=6]Fake AdminCP[/size][/size][/b] [b][size=5][size=6][size=5]Introduction[/size][/size][/size][/b] Fake AdminCP is recommended to people who changed their Admin CP directory. It will create a Fake Admin Control Panel that will let your haters try the passwords they want without login sucessfully. Even if they know the real password, they can not login, because it is a fake panel. [size=5][b]What's new in 2.3?[/b][/size] - .htaccess password is now supported [b]Demo:[/b] [url="http://forum.xg-clan.pt/admin/"]http://forum.xg-clan.pt/admin/[/url]
  6. 30 downloads

    This hook will send a notification to the file submitter when a file he submitted is purchased. The notification will be sent only after the payment is recognized by IP.Nexus.
  7. Looks like the status update hook has been modified for some skins but not for all.
  8. 21 downloads

    This hook will send a notification to the file submitter when his file is featured. Note: Users have to go to My Settings (control panel) and check the notification Notify me when a file I submitted is featured.
  9. 1,268 downloads

    Adds a Portal application to IP.Board. Based upon IP.Board Portal by [url="http://www.invisionpower.com/"]Invision Power Services[/url]. The Portal is now a 3rd party application that will be supported and maintained by me. I go into further detail about how I'll support the portal and the changes I plan on making here: [url="http://www.devfuse.com/forums/topic/6366-ipboard-portal-development/"]http://www.devfuse.c...al-development/[/url] Please be sure to direct all support questions or suggestions in the discussion topic rather then at IPS. The Portal is currently exclusive to the IPS Marketplace, I do not support this application elsewhere. What's New in Version 1.4.1 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=4322"]See full changelog[/url]) [list] [*]Fix for pagination bug. [*]Fix for topic post truncate bug. [*]Addition of topic title truncate option. [/list]
  10. This works on just about all skins without a config template.
  11. That only works on skins the have a config template, not on all skins.
  12. Re-size your new logo or increase the height of your #branding height in the skin's ipb_styles.css.
  13. Find the #content background color and change it to transparent.
  14. 895 downloads

    A teamspeak 3 viewer for IPS. can be used on the forum index or as a content block (both included). like my other free products, this is released under the DBAD license. [url="http://www.dbad-license.org/"]http://www.dbad-license.org/[/url] any one can use this, modify it, use it in their own projects. the license covers expectations and rights :smile: ENJOY! NOTE: the demo url is a static representation of what the hook looks like when rendered. I do not have a teamspeak server and do not plan on one, as for the reason behind the static nature. FAQ: 1. does this work with IPS 3.3 or 3.2? answer: i did not test them on these platforms, i'm sure it can be used on them, as nothing, afaik, that i used relies on anything that is exclusive to the 3.4+ of IPS. its a free product, what you got to loose in trying? 2. will/can you, add this <insert feature request>? answer: no, i will not. did this as a favor for a friend, who then said i could release it out into the "wild". Under the DBAD license you are free to alter and release any changes made to it if you like. Demo: [url="http://demo.codingjungle.com/"]http://demo.codingjungle.com/[/url]
  15. I've never seen it before and the topic has been deleted because it was a re-post. Should be in the MCP under removed content.
  16. In some cases, internal links posted in a topic somehow comes out like this: ?do=embed#ixzz2RAQKaVMO' frameborder='0' data-embedContent> when it should be like this: After going to the linked page, it then reports, "Sorry, we can't find that" because of the added on characters.
  17. 69 downloads

    With this app you can send mass identical topics to all at the same time
  18. 106 downloads

    With this app users can add greetings which are shown on the top board.
  19. Locking old topics would cut down on spam. Members who just joined shouldn't be able to "welcome" other members who joined a month or two before them. Not only is it stupid, it's out and out spam posting.
  20. 1,683 downloads

    Adds online users from staff usergroup(s) of your choosing to the sidebar... Upload Hook Log in to your IP.Board Admin CP and visit the System tab -> Applications & Modules -> Manage Hooks page. In the 'Install a New Hook' section, browse to the XML file included with these instructions and click Open. What's New in Version 2.0.2 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5624"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Few bugs fixed. [/list]
  21. 187 downloads

    Splash Page allows you to add a site introduction "splash" page to your IPS suite. This hook has various settings allowing you to customize it to suit your needs. This hook works with all IPS applications and most third party applications and themes. [b]Features:[/b] [b]· [/b]Enable/Disable Hook Via Settings [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] [/font][/color]Enable/Disable [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica]Frequency Control[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] Select How Many Days Before Page Reappears Or Have It Set As Session Only[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] Stylesheet & Templates Available For Easy Style Adjustments[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] Splash Or Modal Style Pages[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] Ability to Select Groups To Be Exempt From Page Access[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] Designed To Work With Mobile Themes[/font][/color] [b]·[/b][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica] [/font][/color][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica]Auto Timer For Page Closing[/font][/color] [b]Requirements:[/b] [b]·[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica] versions 3.1.x or higher[/font][/color] What's New in Version 1.0.2 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=6376"]See full changelog[/url]) [list] [*]Removed cookie code from js and moved it to the hook. [*]Rewrote the js file. [*]Adjusted the stylesheet to add buttons and close images. [*]Adjusted "sessiononly" setting to allow to be null. [/list]
  22. 173 downloads

    Adds support for videos from [url="http://www.facebook.com/"]Facebook[/url] into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode. What's New in Version 1.1.3 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=4801"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Updated for compatibility with new FB Video embed code. [*]Removed severely dated 3.0/3.1 Media tag, it has been unmaintained and is no longer functional due to several changes on Facebook's end, and is for an EOL version. [/list][b]Demo:[/b] [url="http://www.marchertech.com/board/topic/351-facebook/"]http://www.marchertech.com/board/topic/351-facebook/[/url]
  23. 129 downloads

    Simple hook, that attempts to contact google's ad server, if it can't, fires up a modal window, with a notification box. includes template and settings, for customization of messages and modal size, cookie expiration, timer countdown time, etc. like my other free products, this is released under the DBAD license. [url="http://www.dbad-license.org/"]http://www.dbad-license.org/[/url] zip file includes this license in several language formats. any one can use this, modify it, use it in their own projects. the license covers expectations and rights [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img] ENJOY! What's New in Version 1.0.0 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=6373"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]initial [/list] [b]Demo: [/b][url="http://demo.codingjungle.com/"]http://demo.codingjungle.com/[/url]
  24. Yeah, just a little tired and overworked.You guys have enough to do and the spamming here has gotten way out of hand. I've seen some members just join and spam 15 posts in a minute just so they can access the downloads.
  25. Since it's more then obvious that some members will post to any topic to increase their post count. Example: Members who just joined posting to members intros from a month or two ago.So, I'd like to suggest that all topics over 31 days.
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