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Everything posted by Justin™

  1. It's Subscription Manager and you can find it here:
  2. Would use an if/else statement to hide it for members already signed in and place it in the global template instead.
  3. 1. Yes, but it will have some errors. 2. No.
  4. It's not a individual hook, it's part of the Invision Focus board panel.
  5. Actually, it could be in any template.
  6. Codegame tends to hide their copyright in unusual places. You will have to search for it.
  7. Only if you believe in paying $25 to $35 for a ripped skin when you can buy the original skin for that price, otherwise all the marketplace does is allow members to advertise their services with impunity.
  8. The marketplace is one of the worse ideas Webflake has ever come up with. Conflicts are bound to happen due to the lack of quality services some members provide. Seems to me, a review is needed to weed out scammers from non scammers before these ads are posted.
  9. Well, good for you but, others may be interested in it.
  10. For a more detailed explanation of flat design and the philosophy behind it see this article: http://gizmodo.com/what-is-flat-design-508963228
  11. He's already using theme 2 and theme 1 puts everything on the side.
  12. Haze is a highly customized skin.To change the border radius of the user photo, use ftp to open the skins image directory and find the _custom > css > general.css and general-uncompressed.css. Edit both the general.css and general-uncompressed.css. by finding .ipsUserPhoto{-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px} in both and changing the border radius to at least 100px. This will give a round avatar/user photo to fix your issue.
  13. Go to you ACP > System Settings > System and click on Ad Code Integration. It's pretty much self explanatory from there.
  14. Try making your request here: http://webflake.sx/forum/83-html-templates/
  15. I've never been in favor of a shoutbox for the obvious reasons. As a former admin here, and at forumcore, we've discussed this many, many, times and have never come up with a solution other then removing the shoutbox. Maybe adding a post limit might help but, we tried that on forumcore and still ending removing it.
  16. The fact of the matter is you can't stop it unless you disable the shoutbox alogether, use permanent bans for violators or only allow ranking members to use it. There is no easy solution to fit all.
  17. The download countdown can be set for each member group by going to Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > Downloads and setting the wait period.
  18. These are recurring issues that made ForumCore/WebFlake do away with the shoutbox in the first place. Members seem to have short term memory loss.
  19. This has nothing to do with using a nulled version of IPB. It's a common issue that appears often. Go to your ACP > System Settings > General Configuration and select no next to next Minify Javascript and Css. Do a refresh and it should be fine. If by chance it doesn't work for you, clear your browser cache, delete your board cookie and try it again.
  20. Being a former administrator here, I know it's impossible to please everyone all the time. I was hated by some too but, had a job to do. The rules and guidelines were set up by Phun and every staff member did/does their best to see that they were followed. Trying to be a little lenient only brings on more and more violations which lead to a lot of good members leaving due to the immaturity of others. I've seen this happen too many times on IPBCore/ForumCore/WebFlake. These "drama queen" members add nothing but animosity and have no place here or on any forum. As I said many times before, if you don't like the rules here, leave. No one forces you to stay and all the hateful posts will not get you anywhere.
  21. The visual editor is included in licensed retail or properly nulled versions of the script. It is not an add on or mod that you get separately.
  22. Remove this in the skin's global template: <span class="custom_theme"><input id="colorpicker" type="text"></span>
  23. Go to your System Settings > General Configuration > Minify CSS and Javascript and select no.
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