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Everything posted by Justin™

  1. 317 downloads

    This skin based on an old ipboard.pro skin which comes with 2.3.x versions with some Metro css touches . skin comes with zero html edit , only css edits which hopefully going to be compatible with most of addons
  2. This is a real simple edit of your skin's boardindexTemplate.Find this: {parse js_module="board"}{parse variable="sidebar_enabled" default="$show_side_blocks"}and replace with this:{parse js_module="board"}{parse variable="sidebar_disabled" default="$show_side_blocks"} In general, this works for all 3.1.x, 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x skins and probably more.
  3. Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > your skin > boardindexTemplateFindi this: and add BEFORE or AFTER: Edit "title" and "html message here" to whatever you want. You can add images, html code, ads or basically whatever you need.
  4. Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > your_skin > Templates tab > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate Replace this: <divid='board_index' class='ipsLayout <iftest="sideBarEnabledL:|:$this->templateVars['sidebar_enabled']">ipsLayout_withright</if>ipsLayout_largeright clearfix <iftest="sidebarclosed:|:IPSCookie::get('hide_sidebar') =='1'">no_sidebar</if>'> with this:<divid='board_index' class='ipsLayout <iftest="sideBarEnabledL:|:$this->templateVars['sidebar_enabled']">ipsLayout_withleft</if> ipsLayout_largeleft clearfix <if test="sidebarclosed:|:IPSCookie::get('hide_sidebar') == '1'">no_sidebar</if>'> Then scroll down and replace this:<div id='index_stats' class='ipsLayout_right clearfix' <if test="sidebarclosed2:|:IPSCookie::get('hide_sidebar') == '1'">style='display: none'</if>> with this:<div id='index_stats' class='ipsLayout_leftclearfix' <if test="sidebarclosed2:|:IPSCookie::get('hide_sidebar') == '1'">style='display: none'</if>> Then go to your ACP > Look & Feel > your_skin > CSS tab > ipb_styles.cssFind and replace this:.ipsLayout_content {float: left;width: 100%;} with this:.ipsLayout_content {float: right;width: 100%;} Then, find and replace this:#board_index.no_sidebar {padding-right: 0;} with this:#board_index.no_sidebar {padding-left: 0;} Then, find and replace this:Remove indicated line, add line in red:#toggle_sidebar {-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out 0s;background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;color: #FFFFFF;right: -3px;opacity: 0.5;padding: 0 3px;position: absolute;top: -6px;z-index: 8000;} with this:#toggle_sidebar {-moz-transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out 0s;background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #333333;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;color: #FFFFFF;left: 1px;opacity: 0.5;padding: 0 3px;position: absolute;top: -6px;z-index: 8000;}Thanks to the original unknown author for this.In general, this tutorial works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x
  5. Man, I got a toothache just looking at this, lol.
  6. To all my fans, I'm back!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Justin™


      I make Eminem look like a sissy.

    3. Slutcake


      You're only a J.

    4. Justin™


      I don't need to beat women to prove my manhood.

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