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Everything posted by Desire

  1. Hi WF. I'm hosting a competition with great prizes. Basically I'd like to kickstart my forum, I love graphic design and I'd like to make a blend of graphic design and tutorials that can be used by all. An new competition will be on every two-three weeks. Check out our twitter for updates on the competition winners. You can post your art here or on twitter for your chance to win some cool giveaways. Finalists will be picked in an Art-Off to win. Read more on our forum. I'll feature the best art on Webflake. I've asked Phun before if I could host a SOTW-style contest, I guessed bringing in artists from Twitter as well as Webflake would generate some neat content. If I'm breaking the rules posting this, please inbox me and I'll take down this thread pronto. Thanks. Competition link. I actually thought this would be a good idea - no reception or feedback, or replies on this thread so far.
  2. The 'hate' comes with the job, but you may find it's spite more than hate. Only guarantee of privacy is an SSL. A good one. I don't understand why people hate the staff, imho, if you hate the staff, you hate the people who run WF - who keep it secure, friendly and fun (phun) for everyone. I think the "Drama Queen" is bored and has no other place to strike or feel better than themselves than here, creating problems. Phun, Care package bagel sandwiches.
  3. And here.. We have.. An example of genetic breeding between two xenForo skins, native latin name Xenforous, Forumus. Get David A. on the line, now.

  4. ermagord i h8 It when xenForo doesn't tell you what you edited and you're left with a broken skin. Silly xenForo.

  5. Oh I see, like mirrored it etc. I tend to make a lot of my graphics from scratch. -Off topic - Besides this, I hate these big ass Monstercat downloads and their big ass times to download. You'd expect since you paid for the album a high-speed download.
  6. Desire

    pebble watch

    silly phunny can't use google It's like a watch that does stuff. Has it's own SDK. http://getpebble.com/ Phun told me to do it. I'm not advertising, it's Phun's fault.
  7. Desire

    Feedback Feedback

    Elaborating on what @Davlin said, basically you can set a bot to download all the content from one particualar page, and move on to the next. Unless you were running multiple proxies and multiple bots to make your server / computer explode, this method is a pretty sure-fire way to stop leechers.
  8. Ok um. I just tried logging into my cPanel with the username 'cPanel'. I wondered why it wasn't working.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chris


      Done quite a few of those lately, anyway - work should be rewarded with fabulous stuff!

    3. Desire


      what like logging into the panel.


    4. Chris


      Yeah! Def rewards for that ;)

  9. Ok um. I just tried logging into my cPanel with the username 'cPanel'. I wondered why it wasn't working.

  10. Desire

    pebble watch

    So anyway, I saw this Pebble watch and I want one. Calling all you webflakians, do you know a site that will ship a Pebble watch to the UK or to Australia?
  11. I like the new logo. Why didn't I think of it myself? :O :#

  12. You do realise the whole tarantula concept is me having fun? The design is basically just a "could-be" and I may change it to a light theme later on.
  13. and this is what it looks like on my unreal portal page as you can the picture above on the unreal portal page there is no picture showing Strange. I use the plugin "Portal", I've never had any issues with it and I like it better than Unreal Portal. Link:
  14. You don't like it because you didn't read that it is a layout, an early beta build. l2r. I thought when I had "Example footer" on the site that would of lead you to think that it's just a very early mock-up. There's nothing to it. Trust me, you'll like the actual website once it's finished. No one can see anything on the "Screenshot" because I take piracy and stealing very seriously. Tarantula for you.
  15. It's built into Photoshop. Sounds like a "Help I have a client, I don't know how to do this but I said yes because I'm silly" question to me.
  16. People were constantly asking me for examples of my work. I wanted to make a portfolio both easy backend and front. This is an early edge beta of it, like planning for a house, you need plans. I hope you like it. Please drop with some CnC, how I could improve it. I don't mind about spelling mistakes, I'm designing, not typing, this is for me, not a client, so if you have any problems with the spelling error, please stare at this tarantula instead. And no, you cannot have my specially-designed layout! >;O © Copyright Desire Specifications (DesireSpec) 2013-Onwards. Reproducing this artwork in any form is strictly prohibited, and is viewed as stealing. Thanks for reading, guys.
  17. ^ The one that says please register here, and follows you around. Is bright red, and has links to log in and sign up, with a message on it. Thanks.
  18. Quit web developing, only dabble in it now. GG.

  19. All these graphics are good, but need to be toned down. Minimal is key. I could professionally design you a graphic, but it isn't free I'm afraid.
  20. And you suggest, as your signature states, to destroy them with lasers? Okay, you're going to need a big laser. Another mistake of the government in the UK, which makes them look stupid, is blocking sites such as The Pirate Bay, TPB will never be fully blocked, and there is proxies for it. They didn't even block the ports for torrents, which unless port :80, can be done. Even in some Islamic countries, with a ban on internet, there still will be internet (very hard, but possible) or banned channels such as BBC being about. One cannot simply try to control human will and free will.
  21. You know, the whole getting dragged to hell and all... Just makes it cute. :# Fine, I'll go make a stripy rainbow signature.
  22. Well, America is an obamanation, a one of a kind. Pronounce the word obamanation and you'll get what I mean.
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