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Everything posted by Desire

  1. And On the first day, man made Google. Seems nice. I would do it, but I have five websites in one to design and develop.
  2. Added Themeforest's Zifa theme.

    1. Swift aka AnonyWS

      Swift aka AnonyWS

      How'd i add files? i have ALOOOT Of files from themeforest and codecanyon :P

    2. Desire


      Above the webflake logo it says downloads. Mark them as a RIP if they are one.

  3. Version Lastest - 24/02/2013


    [center][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-pJP-_CsebLs/USjpPYyPrrI/AAAAAAAABlg/vs63LPi3v34/s341/logo%2520blue%2520%25282%2529.png[/img][/center] [center]Taken and Cracked directly from [url="http://themeforest.net/item/zifa-responsive-onepage-theme/4086107"]Themeforest[/url]. This is not a rip, because I have took the source and made it retail. It is like it was purchased, except from the span font on the "Welcome to Site" differentiating from the demo on the site.[/center] Creative Template [center] Zifa is a [b]high resolution clean OnePage Theme [/b]suitable for any type of projects. Has a [b] unique & modern style[/b], + bright colors easy to replace and is fully named code and organized structure to make it easy for anyone to edit . Very clean & modern that is perfect for showcasing your work. [/center] [center][img]http://www.joinpixels.com/mv/zifa_features3.png[/img][/center] [center] [/center] Features [list] [*][b]Modern & Unique Design[/b] [*][b]Fully Responsive Layout[/b] [*][b]Boostrap 2.2.2[/b] [*][b]Valid HTML5 / CSS3[/b] [*]4 Predefined Color Schemes [*]Filterable Portfolio [*]Jquery Powered [*]Easy to Edit [/list] Fonts Used [list] [*]Arial [*]Oswald [/list] [center] [/center] Created 21 February 13 Last Update 21 February 13 Columns [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/columns/4+"]4+[/url] Compatible Browsers [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/ie8"]IE8[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/ie9"]IE9[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/ie10"]IE10[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/firefox"]Firefox[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/safari"]Safari[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/opera"]Opera[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_browsers/chrome"]Chrome[/url] Compatible With [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_with/bootstrap_2.2.2"]Bootstrap 2.2.2[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_with/bootstrap_2.2.1"]Bootstrap 2.2.1[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_with/bootstrap_2.1.1"]Bootstrap 2.1.1[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/compatible_with/bootstrap_2.1.0"]Bootstrap 2.1.0[/url] Documentation [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/documentation/well_documented"]Well Documented[/url] High Resolution [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/high_resolution/yes"]Yes[/url] Layout [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/layout/responsive"]Responsive[/url] ThemeForest Files Included [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/themeforest_files_included/html_files"]HTML Files[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/themeforest_files_included/css_files"]CSS Files[/url], [url="http://themeforest.net/browse/attributes/themeforest_files_included/js_files"]JS Files[/url] Enjoy! This took me a day to crack, because I had to rewrite a lot of the code (don't worry, I'm professional) and add some "patched" things, such as the zifa_data file.
  4. Ugh. I hate cracking templates. I was writing subscript over it, and boom, I go away for a while. crack some other templates.. It's broken. Fixing 50% now.

    1. Desire


      Asdfg. Fixed it. Suck on that.

  5. How do I upload something? I see no buttons. I cracked Zifa, going to have to do it again since I used the version on my website and didn't keep a backup. And now, the slider which makes all the pictures fancy has F****cked up. protip: Never do cracking late at night.
  6. How can you be Chris if they're is already a Chris registered? Lies.
  7. Atm? Crickets outside my bedroom window.
  8. Asdfg. It's called "Donate Sidebar"
  9. RT: Just edit the Custom Profile field and fill in Check the description at the bottom
  10. Pretty much the only way to get the code back is to re install. Blame it on Obama or SQL. Your pick.
  11. "When I moved to x.x.x Version" Probably used a bad nulled version of IPB. Only other way to fix this that I can think of besides deleting your board is re-coding all your BBCodes. Besides that, you should of kept a backup. Only way I know how to fix is this if for you to back up your forum data, and fresh install IPB with a good nulled version, and not IPBMafia!
  12. Currently working on my website. It looks amaing.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AmOn


      hahaaaa bad

    3. Stake™


      You've got to show this shizzle :)!

    4. Desire


      Soon. Right now it's running off my computer, on Dreamweaver and my Browser.

  13. Someone on the official XenForo forums threatened to tell the ISP [000Webhost] that I was using nulled software. I still have the website, 100% intact. As I've said before, make it look legit, and they'll quit looking. They can't see past the skin. Not that I use that forum anymore, anyway. [Dual meaning]
  14. Just crank all her notches. If you know what I mean.
  15. Yes, using a combination of the plugins Portal and Easy Pages. -EDIT- Paradiizee got the question and answered it more than I could.
  16. Oops, I did a double post. :3 Message me on Skype, I have an idea that could benefit both of us. Skype User: CeaseToExist_
  17. I've been doing Graphics for three. I feel , because you're better, compared my work to yours, and I have a long way to go.
  18. Umm. Shit son. That's good. How long have you been making Graphics?
  19. Goodnight. I may help in the support threads tommorrow, if I'm not too crashed from staying up late.

  20. When did this happen? Was the skin always like this? Who nulled your software? You can find that out usually in a text file in the software folder or on the .zip file.
  21. Can you give me an FN + Printscreen or screenshot? I can't see anything except it looks like the skin is broken. (I think I say that a bit too often)
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