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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Or you my friend got the wrong idea, the main point is this is a FORUM, a Community. If we just wanted to list free resources we wouldn't bother with other parts. So i would disagree with it and say you are missing the point. And you so far have made 8 posts and all you wanted was free resources that others spent time and money to buy and get and you get to test and use for free. So a little effort from your side even might be good ?
  2. Moved to Archive since this is not a IPS Support nor is this a site question in general
  3. Technically you can just paste it in a normal WYSIG Editor and select code no need for another widget.
  4. Well the plugin you installed is for 4.1 4.2+ I believe is when reactions came out? So it's not compatible would be my guess.
  5. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  6. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  7. The system has always been here it was just changed to be a bit more proactive in how it works within the new IPS 4.3 Some people can argue and say, oh but X Y Z or myself does not have any skills or anything to add. Well tell us about your day, start a topic that isn't there. Give a thoughtfull ANSWER to a topic. I mean.. Do you play games ? Cool go post about it create a scene around things thats what makes it popular. As a community we want to unite people and help people out. Alot of users just register an account download their stuff. Reach their limit wait untli the next day and on away the merry goes. Now some other people do take Interest. Some people love to learn, some people love to teach. Some people find it fascinating to discuss who what where when about everyone. The only thing we are considering spamming is when people just say "hi" "oh following" or posting crap to just make a post in Irrelanvant topics. I mean think of it, ANY of you so far have had a question how would you feel, if one person just posted "hi" in your thread. Unrelated and just annoying. I believe the system is good, though I can see the part where it could send out an email to people but i presume @Davlin can peak at that as its his domain on that area. When it comes to people consider it un-welcome change what is a welcome change ? That others spend time nulling finding ways for you guys to use things. And you just take it. No thanks no chat just grab and go, in what way does that make it a community ?
  8. Either A) Give more information and stop highjack the thread, or B) Create your own thread with your question and your screenshot. I can't really seem to understand how this was relevant @GuguGRP
  9. Well if you set it up out of the box then you woudn't need to change the permissions of 90% of the files. Problem you have now is to revert it back to how it was BEFORE you changed it. Also 755 would be more then sufficent to test things. Since your saying your using php5 etc what version etc are you running of php and mysql if i can ask ?
  10. That's nothing to do with the WF release that is your server and the way its configured. when you even explain that your setting your whole site to 777 that to me explains you really don't know what you are doing. As your causing a HUGE security risk. I would here suggest configuring the server FIRST make sure you get everything that's needed from the requirements etc, THEN set up a MySQL database or host it on somewhere else. After this setup a blank 4.3 4.2 whatever release and see if it works, if it does then great start add plugins but do it one by one. The errors you are explaining I because of poor server setup.
  11. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  12. So when you ask a question like this and a screenshot might you want to refer to it what people should look for ? IPS 3.4 With X theme (X is unknown here) Recent Topics Looks like Latest Topics at the top. Latest Blog Entries.
  13. I would not recommend go 4.1 -> 4.2 i would rather suggest to go 4.3 OR go to the latest 4.2 not a in between upgrade
  14. A simple fix. Make sure in your header tag you have the following meta tag. <meta charset="UTF-8"> Without that you can't display the emoji's correctly 3.4.x did not use UTF-8 by standard as they moved it to 4.2 iirc.
  15. I would guess you need to give it a inline-block and not a block for the CSS then
  16. So your trying to do something like I done here ? https://codepen.io/Eventyret/pen/mGbZQp Targeting the After on hover ?
  17. Again wrong. As I'm staff try again This is a simple way to see if people really just post to post OR if they really read the previous post ?
  18. Did this use the old recapatcha system if so it was decraptiated. Have you tried to just set the google recapacha system to see if thats the issue ?
  19. Just to add to this, you will be looking either for 2 different developers A) PHP Developer with IPS Experience (Mostly any PHP developer will do) B) Front End Developer with HTML, CSS, JS. C) There is no custom code. PHP is PHP. IPS is not using any custom code, they are using just their own classes. So a PHP Developer with MVC Support will understand their logic. Thought i just add it. As @Jeffrey said would be great to tell us a bit more about the project
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