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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. I would guess you can prune the database or create a SQL statement to remove it. Issue you have normally with this is that its a relationship database and you then have multiple values etc.
  2. I have no clue what your on about why bump and is this question cool? Indeed, HTML AND CSS they go hand in hand Technically you need to know HTML CSS to make the themes, JS to make them interactive and PHP because the whole project or forum is built with php (makes it easier to navigate around) So it would be wrong to say style sheet as normally refered to as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  3. Maybe 1 ? How come I always have to repeat myself to people playing this game...
  4. Care to elaborate, your title says "suggestion" then your saying increase days? So you want us to increase the time of the month ? So from now on it's not 30 days in a month is 90 days ? I would suggest edit the title, or give more information @revowow
  5. It is possible BUT (there is a big but here) its NOT recommended.
  6. None, you rename the Content placeholder and the Title placeholder. As you can edit both if you rename them it would then be correct.
  7. switch the name of the two elements to fix it.
  8. So if it was a great help in what way did it solve your issue if i can ask ?
  9. Would suggest add a small preview of what it is (for people this is just pure code) Also i optimized your code a bit, as your self executing things all the time. using else if should speed up the time it takes for JS to check if its truthy or falsy. also the JS can be optimized even further as this seems a bit sloppy written imo other then that great guide. function change() { if (seq == 6) { b--; if (b == 0) seq = 1; } else if (seq == 5) { r++; if (r == 12) seq = 6; } else if (seq == 4) { g--; if (g == 0) seq = 5; } else if (seq == 3) { b++; if (b == 12) seq = 4; } else if (seq == 2) { r--; if (r == 0) seq = 3; } else if (seq == 1) { g++; if (g == 12) seq = 2; } changetext(); }
  10. Reason why i was asking, was it should possible be in webmaster section rather then IPS Support, unless you want to say specificly what the IPS issue is since this is for IPS support ?
  11. This a ips support question? If so does it matter what sort of host we use? ?
  12. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  13. Technically its in the wrong order before we celebrate ? its 1,2,3,4,5,3,7,8,9,10,11,6,7 So maybe we start from 5 or 1
  14. This is built in into chrome and firefox to support PWA (we live in 2018) and notifications are ment to engage users. So when i comment on this for you, and your browser is open, or you open it it will pop up. If you wish to disable it: Chrome Firefox
  15. Did you check the global php.ini for the server or possible your site specific php.ini
  16. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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