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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. As your topic appears to be a support topic for IPS 4.3, we have moved it to the appropriate forum. Should be /uploads or the absolute path to where your uploads folder is located
  2. 10 and no @otaviocng No number and it does not count. Anyways and we can restart posted so
  3. If you just stumbled on it how go you nnie its nr 1 in all those things you said? @mr-pimpen
  4. I'm confused so I'm going to stop trying now. You said it's on the same server, THEN you want it on an external server? I mean this is just going back and forth. If the server is external then it should work fine as long as you can connect with port 22. IF it is the same server it won't work. Now you told me it's the same server, so it won't work hence the error. Then you're saying it's not. I'm sorry again as I said I'm not going to help as I now tried past 5 posts just to explain and get information.
  5. Still an hour and half left but happy new years upfront
  6. But why? I mean it's ment for external servers not the same server. If you want to store on the same server you select file system. Sftp is for external meaning another server.
  7. You can't count how do you get from 1 to 4 ? Start again please.
  8. Is it the same server or an external server your trying to upload to ?
  9. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  10. For other people. You can not have PHP version 7.3 installed or IPB/IPS will not work. 7.2 works.
  11. font-family: Font Awesome 5 Free; font-family: FontAwesone; depending on if it is font awesome 4 or 5 that is used.
  12. You can generate it here https://mycolor.space/ Though learn to use basic HTML and CSS before attempting to do it. As those are the basics and very much needed to do anything of all your questions. Learn to use basic HTML and CSS also as @Sneeze123 said it can be easier to use Chrome Dev tools to tweak and play with it so you know what CSS to apply and to what element Learn Basic HTML and CSS and use Google Fonts and it would tell you what link to import or include in the header, Last time learn basic HTML and CSS and you can easily use Chrome Dev tools to find out what element to apply the background image too.
  13. Check if you're using Ngnix or Apache. Two different engines with two different ways of writing this.
  14. In what way linked accounts? We talking IPS and linked accounts? If so the login hander can do it without any apps
  15. How about you tell me what you tried so far then ? What errors do you get so on. Theese is vital information you kind of havn't said anything about.
  16. It's ment for simple edits and color changes etc
  17. The easy editor isn't used to use "Stunning" custom themes, it's hence the word easy it's men to make smaller adjustments to the core template.
  18. New Kraken Tournament edition headphones. And some other bits and bobs.
  19. That all depends on size of images, amount of images etc. IF they link it then no, as it's normally not stored on your server but the server it's linked to.
  20. You database will start to grow, the only other thing that will grow would be when people upload images etc to the forum. Why don't keep an eye on it and if it grows and it has a gig or something left you buy more space or find a new host to move to ?
  21. Personally I got a Qnap TS-212 This is used to only store movies, and then i use a small tower this is a pc that runs windows xp normally so its about 8 years old. Running docker and have everything. I'm running for movies, Radarr and for Series i got Sonarr. So the server only downloads the files and controls where they go on the drive renames files etc. It also has a MySQL database to store where in movies i am so I have full pause, resume functionality across devices. The NAS is only used for storage. For players I use 2 Raspberry PI one in the bedroom one in the living room. Both running libreelec which is a fork of Rasbian with Kodi. Works great and Everything is one button away. Any device on my home network that has Kodi can now watch and resume straight from the NAS. I can configure and open the port to have 3g/4G playback but havn't seen the need for it. As a added bonus I use my 4x Google Home mini so i can issue voice commands to play, pause, resume movies on any device.
  22. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  23. Yes use a different server, and open port 22 (should be open anyways) to use SFTP. Make sure you whitelist the server entry on the server your storing things on.
  24. Use database or file system unless your offloading to another server
  25. @Xerin please don't bump and double post! I merged it for you now. If you can make a link to your forum we could investigate and get it sorted. But the info your giving is very vague and hard to help with.
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