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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Your version says 3.4 is this what you ar elooking for or you looking for 4.2 4.3 @faccoescity
  2. Cookie Monster


    This is not a tutorial, so i'm gonna delete this post as its not worth having. If you want to write a tutorial but 1 line and thank you is not a tutorial.
  3. For what sorry? Or this you spamming a place without even reading the topic? @MonkeyLord1234546 This is because the paths are different, I would suggest check global config and check through the database and change the reference
  4. You need to set apache to own the folder so you need to chown the folder Also just because you don't understand the error doesn't mean its "gay shit"
  5. Thats the upload file so how much you can upload as a file your controlling not how much the database can hold per field btw.
  6. It depends, technically you can't as you store it in a database and the way its stored its certain amount of data. But there should be a thing in adminCP under posts you can control max images etc.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. AdminCP > System > Support > Something is not working.
  9. The one that you feel most comfortable using.
  10. Version 2.0.0


    This plugin allows members insert an awesome gallery in post. Main Features: Enable/disable Groups can use Responsive Gallery Customizations: width/height, autoplay, thumbnail, transitions, speed, image crop There is a form in editor that helps members easy to add images, captions, or select their album (if Ip.Gallery is installed) (After creating bbcode, you need to refresh page to see the gallery) Live Demo: http://ipsviet.com/topic/59483-bim40-gallery-in-post/
  11. Version 1.3


    A very clean beautiful template for the latest IPS 4.3.x The Landing Page is not included in the theme. It is a part of my site and what you can do with "pages" application. Live Demo at my site. Change theme to UltiMaze. Only for IPS 4.3.x Advanced custom footer with 4 column, or choose how many column you want! Background upload setting preview.
  12. Version 1.0.7


    FLine 4.3 Fline is a new, unique theme for your forum. Great design combined with a huge number of settings. The theme is suitable for any forums of different directions. Added new types of articles and sliders with the possibility of editing. DEMO — veilon.net Full Screen: Home Page, Calendar Blogs, Gallery Articles Backgrounds Main Settings Forms Forum Nodes GuestMessage Header NavBar Other Footer Slider Social Icons Typography Version 1.0.7 - 4.3 What's new: Fixed all bugs that people have found Added new function Added almost full support for right-wing languages Added the ability to use as a new type of search. so old. And much more... Please all problems to zoomat in the PM. In this version the key block Articles Block has changed since a article_block_1 on articles_block_1. Keep that in mind. To refresh the skin go to the APP -> Customization -> Themes -> Arrow icon -> Upload New Version
  13. As @NightPotato just stated everything is hard in the start. I been coding for about 8 years but doing mostly Web development, so html css js. It takes practice loads of it, determination and last but not least problem solving / thinking outside the box. All of these are not hard skills and their cognativr meaning, you solve something your more likely to solve it again. Development goes down i would say 3 paths Machines Mobile Web Machines are like arduino and other things using c# c++ dot net so on and so on Mobile this is mostly now java kotlin swift. So static languages building things for mobile. Web this is the path I took, and I can also mix in some mobile development with things lime hybrid apps etc. This path is what you read about here, building apps and anything for the Web. Seen soemthing cool online you can build it, just your imagination really that sets a stopper for what you can build. Hope this helps @RastaBanana420
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