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Everything posted by Erza

  1. Think of adaption above uniqueness. If you're having a hard time adapting your logo to other platforms then you won't be able to get your word out that far. You can make a super complex unique logo but you won't be able to adapt it into a icon-logo (or anything else) to get the world out. Apple's brand image is the Apple. Easy to adapt, easy to recognize. Nike's brand image is the swoosh thing. Easy to adapt, easy to recognize. McDonald's is the curved M. Again, easy to adapt, easy to remember! Most well known brands have a simple logo. Yours is too complex that it won't get you too far in case you have to adapt. Think about that.
  2. Hey there! Here to congratulate me on being the winner?
  3. *puts hand in the air* Me. But seriously, for a good server (VPS) you're looking at $40 or more I think.
  4. WebFlake doesn't disclose their hosting information.
  5. At least invite me to dinner first before you go down on me.
  6. I always look around first for any reviews before deciding to go in business with a hosting company. If the reviews are bad, then the service is bad. Reviews good, service good. Edit: I'd like to point out that I don't just go off reviews alone, in case they are employees just "upvoting" their own company to look good.
  7. Hell no should anyone be able to tell what is and what isn't allowed on the internet. I definitely voted, I kept voting for the other acts too.
  8. Don't mind me, just here to win. =)
  9. No, I'm not that smart. What is your biggest fear?
  10. PC because you can upgrade the PC and sell the other older parts for those looking for gaming without spending too much money, where as with consoles you get what you buy without able to upgrade parts, so you have to get a whole new console in order to upgrade. Have you ever thought of bungee jumping from the tallest building on earth, and if yes, why? And if not, why?
  11. I would go back in time to try to prevent some awful things from happening that are affecting my life right now. If you could change one single thing, no matter what, when or how impossible it seems, what would it be?
  12. Welcome to Webflake, Thomas! Enjoy your stay.
  13. It's defined per group now in the ACP of IPB 4. ACP -> Members -> Groups -> (group) / Edit -> Social Hope I helped!
  14. IPS4 has been out of Beta for approximately two months. Anything beyond RC7 is a final release. ​That's pretty bad then because it's clearly not ready yet for a final release. There's still a lot of bugs laying around in the software, both front and back end.
  15. I don't really see the "F" worked into it, if I'm honest. It took me a while to notice the "a" as well. It looks nice, but you don't see the letters worked into it right now (at least, for me. Someone else might see it clearly)
  16. The banner and footer is nice, but that seems to be the only thing they changed. While I get the forum layouts are the same mostly everywhere, the theme Kingy mentioned isn't exactly outstanding of the rest. Nonetheless, still nice. I hope IPB fixes some of the issues with IPB 4 before they decide to slap a final release mark on it. Because it's not ready yet for a final release.
  17. CloudFlare is not a hosting. It's a content delivery network service. Files from your own hosting are delivered through their servers to speed up the process of loading, as well as caches your files. You don't host your website with them.
  18. Erza

    hi all

    Welcome to Weblfake, 0rion! Enjoy your time here.
  19. Currently with my father at the hospital. Browsing webflake on mobile. Did not expect this to happen. :( 

    1. Phun
    2. James


      I'm sorry, I hope everything goes well.

  20. My apologies but can you perhaps provide an example? Because I have absolutely no idea.
  21. WebFlake modified their avatar size. The default for _large is the following (taken from my 3.4.x board) which can be modified by what I provided above. .ipsUserPhoto_large { max-width: 90px; max-height: 90px; }If you want to modify the size, you will have to use this (taken from my post above) .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large:after { width: 90px; height: 90px; {{if theme.rounded_photos}} border-radius: 45px; {{endif}} }
  22. Good luck with your project! I used to have the tools to work with design stuff as well, but I have a new computer now so I don't at the moment.
  23. Can you maybe explain a little more what exactly you want to achieve? What I provided you is what you asked from my point of view, but of course, you could mean something different.
  24. ACP > Customisation > Theme > Edit HTML and CSS > CSS > Core > Global > Framework > misc.css Scroll down until you see .ipsUserPhoto_large img, img.ipsUserPhoto_large, .ipsUserPhoto_large:after { width: 90px; height: 90px; {{if theme.rounded_photos}} border-radius: 45px; {{endif}} }Then change it to your own liking!
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