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Everything posted by Erza

  1. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  2. Erza

    Windows 10

    I'm still on Windows 7; talk about not upgrading.. My dad was still on Windows XP for a very long time until he was forced to upgrade due programs no longer working he really needed on XP. :p
  3. Erza

    Windows 10

    I like the look of Mac OS, but I like the price of a windows computer more. I don't have the budget to lay down ~1k for a computer. I'm as of writing this still on 8.1 and will most likely not upgrade.
  4. Welcome to WebFlake, GuguGRP! If you need any help, please don't be afraid to ask it. :)
  5. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  6. you have read the new update systeme ... finish all zip file, so not sure you have nulled version so soon lol There should still be a manual ZIP for those who just got the board. Don't think they can use this system for first timers.
  7. It isn't released as of yet. Keep an eye on our downloads section when it's been released. I'm sure it'll pop up soon after. :)
  8. I'm not a big fan of how the threads are displayed on the front page. I like the header though. :)
  9. Welcome to Webflake, xJ0k3r! Enjoy your time! :)
  10. I can feel the pain when trying to change something in the theme and it changes 20 other things because it simple uses the same div. I have to create a custom div for this bit because IPS doesn't like third party themes that much. If I want to change a background of a widget, for example, I don't want it to change the background of profile cover (another example, this doesn't happen literally but it does with other things). PS they should fix typing on mobile.
  11. I appreciate you. Thanks, even though that tutorial was poorly written and difficult to follow, I'm glad I could help you. I'm considering just writing a plugin for it to sort it all out. A plugin would help for those having issues now! I appreciate Valentine as well for being a good person to talk to ! :D I appreciate the webflake staff for what they do. I appreciate Davlin for taking my money and not put it to Webflake's use when I donated. :3
  12. I would wanna appreciate myself, but that' wouldn't be appreciated I guess. I appreciate nervodx for his feature plan tutorial. Thanks. :3
  13. I try to avoid them as best as I can but seeing as they are the cheapest option... I'm probably just going to use UPS from now on. Because they're so cheap, their service is lacking. You don't wanna know how many stories there are that are negative about USPS.
  14. Yeah, not today! Today is my day!
  15. I have heard a lot of bad things about USPS and deliveries. This doesn't come as a surprise to me. It's best to use anything but USPS for your shipping because if you use USPS, chances are it will come either damaged, not on time, or not at all.
  16. Just searching for SourceForge alone brings this up already. How ironic. On-topic though: I'm not a fan of this. It looks outdated and very amateur looking. Don't even get me started on the mobile style.
  17. *swoops in for the win*
  18. Hey everyone, you wouldn't mind if I win this thread, right? Thanks!
  19. Are you using the latest uploaded nulled version of IPB? If so, more people seem to have this problem. I don't know if Webflake is still nulling releases, but I feel it might be better to wait for a better version. This one seems broken (not the version itself, just the nulled version).
  20. Web design doesn't necessarily mean that you can design logos. Some people don't even use photoshop for their Web design.
  21. I like designing for IPB 4, but it's just annoying that they use a lot of things controlled by one bit. IPB 3 might be better if you really need lots of features.
  22. Welcome back to WebFlake, John! I'm surprised you haven't posted anything since 2014, but still glad you did, however!
  23. Sorry for the lack of any uploads or updates regarding my themes lately guys! Been busy with life and work on top so I had very little time to work on them. I'll definitely finish up the special edition of Allegro2 this weekend! x

    1. Erza


      Making some final touches and make sure I didn't miss anything in the theme. 

    2. TheRaj


      waiting eagerly

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