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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Resized avatars with a set width ánd height will look crappy. The only thing you can do is set the maximum width and your member's avatars will be resized accordingly. Look in system settings in topics, posts and polls. max width.
  2. They are search optimisation settings in the ACP and they have extensive instructions.
  3. Version 1.0


    [b]IP.Content Block with Description and Hover Animation[/b] This block supports HD Resolutions and it can be use to show Data from Custom IP.Content Database also. "For custom database support you need to edit Block Codes and an Image is must required to use as custom database field" [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]Must Read Instructions inside : Read me.txt file[/b][/size][/color]
  4. This request has been filled. The topic has been closed and moved. If you have further requests please open another topic, thank you.
  5. The gif was really needed, i agree. As far as the OS goes.. >not windows masterrace
  6. Hello WebFlakians! Today is a glorious day, because today is the day that Davlin will join me and paradiizee in the Administrative position. Davlin has been a valuable asset to our community for about a year now and he's more than proven his worth. Thanks for being a part of this wonderful team, let's keep the spirit going and let us let WebFlake grow stronger than ever! So now you can also pester Davlin with questions regarding your account, bugs, errors, etc. Hehehe -Phun
  7. You have the code checking for the following: if this->memberData->member_id (Your member ID) AND member_id (The profile's member id) EQUALS this->memberData->member_id (Your member ID) Points: 123456789 else if IPSMember::isInGroup this->memberData, array(group ID) Points: 123456789 endif endif In your example, you're probably viewing your own profile and both cases of your code are true. You are the same member ID as the profile id you're looking at AND you're in one of the groups in your array. You could probably get the same thing done with this code: <if test="weAreOwner:|:$member['member_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class='general_box clearfix'> <h3>Administrative Data</h3> Points: {$member['point']} </div> </if> <if test="IPSMember::isInGroup( $this->memberData, array(4,15,16) ) && $member['member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class='general_box clearfix'> <h3>Administrative Data</h3> Points: {$member['point']} </div> </if>
  8. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. Did you check your forum's time and date options and perhaps your server's?
  10. Gosh, i'm not an ip.calendar user so i hope someone else can figure this out for you.
  11. Are you using any other hooks or mods that might have to do with topics/archiving/moderation?
  12. Phun

    Question WebFlake Reputation

    The built in IP.Board reputation system.
  13. Pictures or a link to your site would be appreciated.
  14. Do you have a picture of what it looks like now or a site where this code is setup? It's then really easy to find out what needs to be edited.
  15. Have you tried editing your language pack and searching for that word in there?
  16. Check if it happened after a hook installation, disable your hooks or apps one by one and check which one gets rid of the error. It could also be your skin is outdated.
  17. Holy shit you are a fucking genius, please make this a working ipb skin. If you can get the forums and sidebar stuff to look right then damn, i congratulate you.
  18. In System Settings > Members > User Profiles you can set the maximum width of the avatar, the height will be adjusted automatically.
  19. That's what i was asking WhiteAngel, you can't load jquery twice or they will conflict with one another.
  20. Phun


    Version 1.0


    [size=5][b]Visually stunning every day[/b][/size] Want to evolve your forum into a whole new design? Canvas gives you the ability to shape the theme into any genre you wish. This theme also runs on our fantastic framework 2.1.[list] [*][b]Released[/b]: February 2014 [*][b]IP.Board Version[/b]: 3.4.x [*][b]IP Applications[/b]: Full IP.Suite [/list] [size=5]Easy accessible settings[/size] Every theme comes with our powerful theme settings page which allows you to enable and disable many of the theme features we add, this gives you full control of the theme for your forums. You don't need any experience when it comes to changing the settings, a simple click of a button can disable a whole footer, or enable a brand new one. [size=5]Highlighted Features[/size] Canvas gives your community the ability to change their very own profile backgrounds and fully customise their profiles. Not only do we allow this to be turned on and off, but we also offer a fantastic twenty-two settings you can play with on this theme, each setting giving you a different approach to the theme! [size=5]Flexible Logo[/size] Don't fancy creating a logo? Don't worry our theme can transform the image logo into a perfectly styled text logo blending into the theme just as well as any image can. [size=5]Guest Message[/size] Don't let your guest members feel left out, we have created a customisable guest message which will only be shown to guests. The message can contain any message you want! [size=5]Supports Font Awesome[/size] This theme supports the very popular FontAwesome website allowing you to add FontAwesome coding into all areas of your IP.Suite! (Ideal for BB Codes and IP.Content) [size=5]Forum Descriptions[/size] Hate seeing forum descriptions? This theme supports the ability to turn forum descriptions into tool tips, simply hover over a forum title and you'll see the description appear! Simple yes/no setting to control this feature, so no worrying! [size=5]Easily Changeable[/size] Changing the background could never of been easier, either a new background colour or even a new pattern with an additional background colour. All controlled by our framework 2.1 [size=5]Supports 3rd Party[/size] This theme supports many applications by default as long with Font Awesome is built within the theme. (Allowing IPB to load even quicker!)
  21. Apologies for the downtime folks!

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