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Everything posted by Phun

  1. Heya smugfly, welcome back!
  2. Have you tried removing all your cookies/cache and all that good stuff?
  3. Phun

    Feedback Live Support?

    Not going to happen. For obvious reasons i might add.
  4. HostGator blocks port access to their servers for security reasons, if you legitimately want to run stuff on your website, for example services such as radio streaming you will need a virtual private server or dedicated server.
  5. Phun

    Feedback Help Old Skin

    "WebFlake Skin" is our new skin and you should be using that.
  6. I think he means topic prefixes, for which there is a mod.
  7. Yeah the path setting in general configuration is realy important when you change hosts, the server time also plays a big part in cron jobs and such so for everyone reading this: make sure that's synced aswell. Always run through your configurations when moving hosts and check if everything is pointed out properly. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Perhaps you could provide details on the site that does have the script or maybe even send me admin access account and info in a pm to take a closer look.
  9. Fcontent.Slideshow points in the direction of there being js inserted from something called fcontent. Not sure if this is an app or just a javascript file though. Really hard to guess without having access to things.
  10. Luckily both admins (me and paradiizee) are dutch. Woohoo!
  11. Phun

    Happy New Years!

    Happy new year to you too purple
  12. I didn't even notice that but lockdown is right, you're overriding already skin specific css rules with that file. Especially those that change body{} and html{}.
  13. Perhaps somewhere in your ipb_styles.css or in the template with the default avatar it links to that image? You can try searching (CTRL+F) for it. The failing to set a new photo is probably due to size restrictions which are set per group. Should be in the "Global" tab i think.
  14. Navigate to the default member image on your site and you will see the path to it, open up an FTP client and navigate there. Replace the image with something else that has the same filename and it should work.
  15. Merry Christmas and happy holidays everyone.
  16. The HTML should be where ever you want the slider to be on your website, the css should be imported on that same page as should the js. Save them as a .css and .js file and import them from within the html page you're putting the slider on. Assuming you want it to display on the index page of your forum, the html would go somewhere in "boardIndexTemplate". The CSS you can call by adding a css file to the skin (CSS>add css file). The JS you can import in the <head> tags of your "globalTemplate". Assuming you would put that .js file in your skin's images folder it would look something like this: <script src="{style_images_url}/slider.js"></script>
  17. Phun

    Question How to use resources

    If you want to save yourself the hassle of dealing with reports about software you haven't purchased a license for, then use our files for local development.
  18. facebook_url so you are putting in the full adress to your page right?
  19. Hello, That depends. What content are you hosting on your website? -Phun
  20. Make sure the paths are correct in your general settings.
  21. IDM Fucks everything up with IP.Downloads. IDM uses multiple connections to download files, so our limit recognizes that as multiple downloads. You have to uninstall IDM or disable it for webflake.
  22. Re-Welcome on WebFlake then sir, please familiarize yourself with the guidelines and all that good stuff and enjoy your stay.
  23. Prefix also needs a suffix, which in your case would be </span>
  24. Reminds me of http://prntscr.com/2696vh a 2.3.x mod.
  25. Phun

    Question downloads ?

    Make sure you don't have download accelerators on like Internet Download Manager
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