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Everything posted by Phun

  1. I can restore your password to whatever you want but i'm going to need you to give me access to the admin control panel and PHPMyAdmin. Or i can provide instructions if you feel comfortable being in PHPMyAdmin.
  2. Press the little menu button at the top right (under the close button). Press settings, scroll down and press the little blue text for advanced settings, then under "Passwords" it should allow you to view saved passwords. My chrome is in dutch though, but here's what you're looking for: http://puu.sh/9Pszk/dec7bbad94.png
  3. If you're using chrome i'm pretty sure you can go to settings and view your saved passwords.
  4. G'day! Welcome to WebFlake. One of the largest sites of it's kind in existence today! Hope you enjoy all of our resources.
  5. Renders perfectly fine on my tablet, what phone are you using? There's also a mobile version of the skin.
  6. Seasonal header images, now that's something that's gonna be happening.
  7. Perhaps i should add the option for a custom header image url. I might also replace some of the current ones when i see fit. I'm open to suggestions!
  8. Upload the file to mega and PM me the link, i'll have a look and check if there's anything that ties into your account.
  9. I made the skin to be for WebFlake only.
  10. Phun

    Question WF SKIN ?

    We're gonna stick on IPB3 for quite some time.
  11. Good day! I'm sorry you felt insulted by our reminder e-mail but allow me to elaborate. This is the e-mail we send out: We're not accusing anyone of being a leach. We merely assume that after a month of no posts you're just here to profit from us by downloading files and not contributing anything or taking part in our community's discussions. Which is what, in the online world, they call being a leecher. We've tolerated this for a very long time, but we would like to see our activity go up and leeching (Downloading our files without taking part in our community) go down. Have a nice day!
  12. For now, just 50 posts will do the trick.
  13. After determining the average size of a few recently added downloads i've reverted the speed change and capped it to 100kb/s for normal members and 200kb/s for advanced members.
  14. You're in it. Try in like 5 minutes.
  15. Okay we get it, you could have created a topic in the feedback forum about your issue. Try clearing your cache, cookies, etc. and then log in again, see if that helps.
  16. I'm sure i wrote this in the disclaimer somewhere.
  17. Jaz, if you ever go inactive again it wont be a handwritten message. I'll need to use something that will make sure you won't forget. An axe perhaps.
  18. Nice to meet you John! We've put in a new thing that requires you to post at least once every 30 days. Shouldn't be too hard for you i hope.
  19. Phun

    Question WF SKIN ?

    I made it.
  20. It's time once again for a WebFlake Updates thread. We make these to inform the community of changes we made to the site. Read 'em carefully! Registrations I've added some more Question & Answer challenges to reduce the chance of spambots registering. As always, if you see a spam post don't hesitate to hit that report button. Member Group Changes Yesterday i've implemented a system to possibly help us increase some of the member activity. It moves members to the "inactive members" group if they're inactive for a longer period of time. Here's how it works: If you do not post anything for a period of 30 days, you get moved to the "Inactive Members" group. After being moved to the inactive members group, you have 90 days to become active. (You become active by making at least one post) If you do not become active after a total of 120 days (30+90), your account will be deleted. You will then have to register at WebFlake again. Downloads System Restrictions For our normal "Members" group i've adjusted some values regarding download restrictions. This is to promote activity and reduce our bandwidth costs. As always, Donators get unlimited access and downloads. Maximum download speed: 100kb/s Wait period before download: 20 seconds Maximum downloads per day: 5 Maximum simultaneous downloads: 1 But to balance this out, we've added a NEW member group called "Advanced Members". They will still have restrictions, but because they have been active on WebFlake, their download restrictions are milder: Maximum download speed: 200kb/s Wait period before download: 10 seconds Maximum downloads per day: 10 Maximum simultaneous downloads: 2 Note that maximum simultaneous downloads is hardly noticeable, considering the fact that files are usually small in size and will be finished downloading before you even get to the next file's page. New Skin And to top it all off, i've put our new skin as everyone's default skin. This is now our new main skin. If you really liked the old one you can go back to it. I've also fixed an old bug that made our avatars too small in the author info portion of posts, so everything should be a-okay from now on! If you find bugs on this skin (i started from scratch building this skin), please PM me and i'll try to fix. Please provide your browser information aswell. That's all folks, till next time! Updated 04-July-2014 Advanced Members In addition to having milder download restrictions, advanced members now also have these perks: Profile Customization 15 Seconds Search flood (Instead of 30) Can view who gave reputation How can i become an advanced member? The current criteria for being an advanced member are that you need to be active and have over 50 posts. The value will probably change in the future.
  21. Welcome back to WebFlake Jaz, It's not that we want you to download less often, it's that we want to increase activity. Almost everything we provide is free and we ask some posts or intelligence in return. Active communities are way more fun to participate in! The message was automated because it is a system that sends them (I tried to personalize it as much as possible!). I don't want to send 11000 messages all by hand - You did get only ONE e-mail right? - Phun
  22. Welcome to WebFlake, enjoy your stay!
  23. I will thank alot when i see him around. Welcome to WebFlake!
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