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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Phun

  1. margin-left: 20px; Add this to ".signature" in the ipb_styles.css file. (that's where i'm guessing it is, if it's not, look through the other css files).
  2. The background colors seem to blend in perfectly with the foreground image, which makes for a really smooth looking signature. Would it be too much to ask for a sylveon signature? :3
  3. The major thing with IPB's default skins is that they've always been "good" from the start and from there, themers are able to do amazing things with them.
  4. Hey alex, welcome to webflake :)

    1. X_Cube_X


      Thank you :)

      Sorry for late reply :P

  5. Welcome to WebFlake, enjoy your stay!
  6. Well the variables used in the code there are: {$this->lang->words['topics']} {$this->lang->words['replies']} So if you want to change those words across your installation, it'll be easier for you to edit the language pack and change these accordingly.
  7. I miss para :c

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Phun


      [15-6-2014 18:18:09] Para.: nothing, just don't like it anymore

    3. Luke


      :( I wonder why that would be, I won't lie.. I enjoyed WebFlake more with the lighter para theme... but the community is still here... :3
    4. Verified


      So did I, and when Phun managed things TBH.

  8. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. Well for searchers, there's a mod called "Secondary group icons"... However i agree that this should be "built-in" functionality.
  10. Well it's not just IPB knowledge you need, positioning of things usually has to do with HTML and CSS. I'd need to see your template's html/css to know what to adjust to get the menu there.
  11. I've got no experience with ProMenu, but you can probably change where the code starts and ends by changing the hook's settings.
  12. Phun

    Question Caching system

    Right now our caching is mostly done through CloudFlare. Been tempted to set-up railgun aswell on a dedicated box with nginx besides it to see if there's any significant performance gains. We currently still run on our good ol' apache. We currently do not make use of opcode caching, but i've recently turned on Query caching to see if that makes any difference. If you've had SQL running for a few days, grab a copy of the pearl script "MySQLTuner.pl" and run that in your server's command line. You'll get recommendations through there for editing your my.cnf.
  13. Reinstalled my computer a few days ago.
  14. Change: <tr class='header hide'> To: <tr class='header'>
  15. In boardIndexTemplate find: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>{$this->lang->words['stats']}</th> Change that to: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>Topics</th> Then under that, add this: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>Posts</th> Now a bit further in the template, find the following code: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td> Change that to: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> </ul> </td> <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td> I think this is right, but i haven't tested it. If it doesn't work then go back and undo the changes. (Follow these steps in reverse order)
  16. You need to edit the boardIndexTemplate. This code should be there somewhere. <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> You can edit and move this around where ever you want in the code, and give them their own columns.
  17. Yeah, join the ex staff group... they have cookies.
  18. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  19. Phun

    Hello Everyone

    I'm alright, nice weather here too
  20. Let me just say this: I'm not responsible for any damages done to your account. *whistles*
  21. Phun

    Hello Everyone

    Good luck with you guys' exams then. I'm sittin' here chilling. Playing some League and whatnot. Failing at it horribly.
  22. Phun

    Hello Everyone

    Great to hear. Whatcha guys up to?
  23. You can try to use an email address (outgoing) that is from your own domain ([email protected]). If that doesn't work, you need to set up SMTP mail, which varies per server. If you have cPanel, you can check your SMTP host and ports there.
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