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The Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by The Grim Reaper

  1. Get in touch with the hosting provider, if you using a paid web hosting services and not one made by you, they will provide you with assistance in case of some problems. ( with this type of problems, is better to speak with them, because they can help you resolving feteaure erros due to advices gett from webflake users )
  2. The 4.x tutorial is for all 4.x available versions, if you have custom plugin for postContainer this method will not work due to different codes.
  3. Have you made any custom mods to the template ? I looked over uniform black and white version and the pagination style doesn't looks like yours.
  4. How did you switched back to 4.4 from 4.5 ?
  5. You can use the custom sidebar block from IPS or you can go in your template, search for sidebar and add your custom codes after this line : {advertisement="sidebars"}
  6. Version 2.8.2


    Here is the latest update of this theme : https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9404-20-off-4tech-update-45/
  7. When you get your license, upload all the files in your directory except the conf_global and delete all the nulled apps.
  8. Well, lucky for you i guess, one of my clients gets the same problem as you did, and the problem is granted by the cloudflare system, you need to add a rule to the firewall for the ACP.
  9. 1. Go into your theme codes and then forums - index - index and delete this code : <h1 class='ipsType_pageTitle ipsFlex-flex:11 ipsType_break'> {lang="forums"} </h1> 2. Download and install this on your website : click 3. We do not provide help with webflake costumization !
  10. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  11. The only way to fix this problem is to speak with your hosting provider if you have a shared web hosting to solve it.
  12. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  13. Here are some resources i found about live chat compatible with IPS : https://www.arrowchat.com/ipb-chat/ https://chatwee.com/ipb-chat-plugin-installation https://www.jivochat.com/help/installation/how-to-install-the-code-on-ipb.html
  14. Log in into ACP - go to General Configuration - sett your forum as offline with a custom reason.
  15. It will be more simple for me to answer if you can give me an example of what you want to do ( a picture ).
  16. For IPS 4.5.x 7.3 is the only version who provides the lower number of errors, they also say 7.4 is good for 4.5.x and even 8.0 and when you used it your forum goes boom.
  17. As time the attack is a ddos type you can't do to much, you can ask your provider for a better protection or you can change your provider with one who have better ddos / bots attack protection.
  18. You can use the css of the theme you wanna use or you can add the css in your theme.
  19. Set your php version to 7.3, see if the files permission are on 7.5.5 and look after security mod to be disabled on your web host.
  20. I think the newest php is 8.0 which i'm not sure IPB suport its, try using 7.3 as php version.
  21. Is your php set to version 7.3 and your php memory is 128 MB ?
  22. You need to offer more details about this problem like : your community url, the theme you want to make the changes, and what text color you wanna change, also be sure your theme is set to public, so we can have acces to view it.
  23. No, but after the update might be some problem with the theme, if their are to many code changes, some function will mismatch.
  24. As time the problem is regarding to IPB you can ask.
  25. Well, this problem can be cause by wrong app installing ( i guess you are using commerce ), try to disable the app to see if the problem is solved, if is solved, the problem is cause by commerce, something went wrong when it was installed ( some code mismatch by the installer ).
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