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The Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by The Grim Reaper

  1. Why to do that when we can edit the settings in the app section. You have a setting for that in advanced tab.
  2. You wanna make larger the custom footer and the header or what ? Leave a link to your forum.
  3. there is no plugin to display over there, you have to make a custom edit to you plugin or theme template.
  4. I had the same issue, the hosting is blocking connection because is making to many query request and generate some kind of ddos attack over the entire host because most of web hosting are shared not personal.
  5. You wanna add as code or topic code to display something ?
  6. Do you use the default theme or a custom one from shop ? If you use a custom one the theme may be outdated !
  7. Use a hard refresh or clear the cache on your website, does work on anonymous mode ?
  8. He want a plugin who allows any user to add servers, these apps are only for admin access only. A public version nope, these kinds of apps / plugins are custom made by developers for one client only. If you want a custom one i can give some facebook address of ipb developers.
  9. Version 2.0.0


    This plugin adds another email address field on the new member registration form for the user to confirm the email address. On submission, if the two email fields do not match the registration will not process and the form will reappear with a message indicating those two email addresses did not match. The remaining fields and choices will still retain previously filled in information. The user will just need to correct the email addresses and re-submit. This validation occurs after a user submits the form, not via jQuery live on the form. Version 2 is for Invision Community 4.4 and above exclusively. Confirmed working with 4.5
  10. Version 1.1.0


    IRONSIGHT is a light theme for Invision Community 4.5 with basic white / grey colors and a nice layout. It's free and comes without any brandings or visible copyrights. You can see a LIVE DEMO on our site at InvisionFocus.de (select Ironsight in the footer). Tested with Forums, Pages and Downloads. This is no multipurpose themeframework and comes - believe it or not - without any additional template changes, only custom CSS and build in IPS 4.5 theme settings. Although it's not equipped with millions of additional AdminCP settings, it is customizable in many ways. As far as possible the default settings are used and for advanced customization we have a support thread in english language too. This work is fan art inspired by Project: Ironsight, a next-gen military first person shooter by WipleGames, which is free too and availiable on Steam.
  11. If you want something automatically, member just pay and they are upgraded, you need ips commerce and pages !
  12. Version 2.1.2


    Logs information about all logins performed on your site, whether they are successful or not. The following information is logged: Time of attempt, Member account Username/Email used, IP Address Attempt number Result
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This is a modern Dark-/Night-Mode Design based on the new Invision Community 4.5 Theme. Lightweight, pure CSS, no additional graphics were used. You can see a LIVE DEMO on our site at InvisionFocus.de (select Bravo 6 in the footer). Tested with Forums, Pages and Downloads. It's well maintained, because we use it on our own website. If you find any possible bugs, we'll fix them immediately. It's free and comes without any brandings or visible copyrights.
  14. Inside the topic or outside in the profile section ?
  15. You need to find this : https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8471-sd-bitcoin-inpaypl-gateway/
  16. clear your cache from your website.
  17. If you have a Samsung A70 is not worth, since the upgrade the phone is lagging and some function does not work correctly.
  18. Version 2.1.12


    New version for :
  19. We don't sell the site, is a community project, we sell just a facebook group for gaming with 14k members. The main purpose is to be used by our community and after to be used by others. For now 2/3 romanian gaming communities uses our banners.
  20. Arkored is a network for gamers with game server stats and game server banners. From current scores to historical player data and worldwide game server ranking, Game Tracker records detailed statistics on how you and your server fare against the competition. Our site is in BETA so bugs/errors may appear, report them here https://arkored.com/forum/5/bug-reports/view or send an email to [email protected] We will add new games with time so be patient ? https://arkored.com
  21. Version 1.0.0


    This theme is a clean aspect for gaming community based on deflection. The theme was created by me and my fellow Craze. I release this skin because many kids copy it with inspect element and claim are their. 27.01.2021 UPDATE : For those who are unable to find the code to show the categories icon, here is a short tutorial : Go in your template codes, after go in forums - index - forumRow, and edit this code with your category id. Make sure you have fontawesome 5.0 installed or the IPS plugin for it. <div class="junky-forum-icon"> {{if $forum->id == 259 }} <i class="fas fa-hamburger"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 2 }} <i class="fas fa-newspaper"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7872 }} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 17512 }} <i class="fas fa-eye"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3}} <i class="fas fa-users-cog"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 4}} <i class="fas fa-hands-helping"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7163}} <i class="fas fa-comment-dollar"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7735}} <i class="fas fa-grin-stars"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1013 || $forum->id == 3365 || $forum->id == 11}} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3365}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 11}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1030}} <i class="fab fa-teamspeak"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 16701}} <i class="fas fa-cubes"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 29}} <i class="fab fa-adobe"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 28}} <i class="fas fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 31}} <i class="fas fa-tags"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 30}} <i class="fas fa-microchip"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 15459}} <i class="fas fa-trash"> </i> {{else}} <i class="far fa-comment-alt"> </i>
  22. Go into your web hosting panel and edit php upload settings for your website.
  23. You have to change each post and topic with your current ID.
  24. Do you have a custom php menu or a new button menu added on menu manager ?
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