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The Grim Reaper

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Everything posted by The Grim Reaper

  1. If you copied the description but not removed the format, this might be the problem.
  2. Disable the moderation logs for your group, you will not be able to see any mods on the topic. Search in the database for topics and posts and edit in both of them the topic ( you search the topic and post by the topic ID ), you edit the member id with your id.
  3. If he is not using ips 4.5 he will not have the first badge. And in the picture with junior moderate is a custom theme edit.
  4. Try it like this : .ipsNavBar_primary #elNavSecondary_43 a:before{ content: "\f133"; font-family: FontAwesome; }
  5. What version of PHP are you using ? Try speaking with your hosting provider, maybe they dont accept nulled version.
  6. First, set your maximum photo size to 300 px. Post here the code you have on your postContainer and what IP.Board version you are using.
  7. You can try adding your font from google in your globaltamplate as a code and then adding „font-family: your font” to the element you want to be displayed.
  8. You want to change your text font or even font awesome with other font ?
  9. That is not your header, is your logo image....
  10. You set the banner as logo, you want to be on full header or ?
  11. Did you try to write your user and password and not using autofill ?
  12. First, you are not allowed to download files anymore, you install them directly on your forum via ACP. Second, you have to link your marketplace account to able to this function. You need dev files to download plugins, the second way is to recode them using the files on your forum host directory.
  13. Check the PHP version to be at 7.1 or 7.2 ! If it is to 7.2 speak with your host provider, maybe they don't accept nulled versions.
  14. Speak with @Tony, i am able to see and download the file.
  15. I found a new version of that but is on their marketplace, i searched google for a free copy of it but no one posted yet. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9584-tabbed-forums-index/
  16. If you disable that, if you don't have a user and log in with google or steam will put you to create an account, diable that option and only members will be able to join forums.
  17. Move the code first on your css and try like that or use a weblink in your global template as path for your font. I use only weblinks for fonts, nothing on web host.
  18. Go to your theme - global - user bar and search after this code and delete it : {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() != 'disabled'}} <li> {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'redirect'}} <a href='{expression="\IPS\Settings::i()->allow_reg_target"}' target="_blank" rel="noopener" class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_primary'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> {{else}} <a href='{url="app=core&module=system&controller=register" seoTemplate="register"}' {{if \IPS\Login::registrationType() == 'normal'}}data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="sign_up"}'{{endif}} id='elRegisterButton' class='ipsButton ipsButton_normal ipsButton_primary'>{lang="sign_up"}</a> {{endif}} </li> {{endif}}
  19. I don't have access to the theme you are trying to edit, set access on guest
  20. go to your group settings - social and turn on „can view who reacted” and after edit your theme template to show full list not small.
  21. Use this code in your theme in forum - index - forumRow afer <span class='ipsItemStatus ipsItemStatus_large cForumIcon_password {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) && !$forum->redirect_on}}ipsItemStatus_read{{endif}}' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> {{if $forum->loggedInMemberHasPasswordAccess()}} <i class='fa fa-unlock'> </i> {{else}} <i class='fa fa-lock'> </i> {{endif}} </span> and before : {{endif}} {{if !$forum->redirect_on and \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} </a> {{else}} <div class="junky-forum-icon"> {{if $forum->id == 259 }} <i class="fas fa-hamburger"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 2 }} <i class="fas fa-newspaper"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7872 }} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 17512 }} <i class="fas fa-eye"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3}} <i class="fas fa-users-cog"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 4}} <i class="fas fa-hands-helping"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7163}} <i class="fas fa-comment-dollar"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7735}} <i class="fas fa-grin-stars"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1013 || $forum->id == 3365 || $forum->id == 11}} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3365}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 11}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1030}} <i class="fab fa-teamspeak"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 16701}} <i class="fas fa-cubes"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 29}} <i class="fab fa-adobe"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 28}} <i class="fas fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 31}} <i class="fas fa-tags"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 30}} <i class="fas fa-microchip"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 15459}} <i class="fas fa-trash"> </i> {{else}} <i class="far fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{endif}} </div> {{endif}} .junky-forum-icon { width: 40px; height: 40px; line-height: 40px; text-align: left; font-size: 10px; color: #857a88; margin-left: 10px; background: transparent; border: none; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 0; border-right: 2px solid #413d44; } .junky-forum-icon i { font-size: 24px; } edit your category id and your font awesome image the final code should look like this : {{elseif $forum->password}} <span class='ipsItemStatus ipsItemStatus_large cForumIcon_password {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) && !$forum->redirect_on}}ipsItemStatus_read{{endif}}' {template="formattedInlineStyle" params="$forum" app="core" group="global" location="front"}> {{if $forum->loggedInMemberHasPasswordAccess()}} <i class='fa fa-unlock'> </i> {{else}} <i class='fa fa-lock'> </i> {{endif}} </span> {{else}} <div class="junky-forum-icon"> {{if $forum->id == 259 }} <i class="fas fa-hamburger"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 2 }} <i class="fas fa-newspaper"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7872 }} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 17512 }} <i class="fas fa-eye"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3}} <i class="fas fa-users-cog"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 4}} <i class="fas fa-hands-helping"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7163}} <i class="fas fa-comment-dollar"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 7735}} <i class="fas fa-grin-stars"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1013 || $forum->id == 3365 || $forum->id == 11}} <i class="fab fa-steam-symbol"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 3365}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 11}} <i class="icon ion-logo-game"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 1030}} <i class="fab fa-teamspeak"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 16701}} <i class="fas fa-cubes"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 29}} <i class="fab fa-adobe"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 28}} <i class="fas fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 31}} <i class="fas fa-tags"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 30}} <i class="fas fa-microchip"> </i> {{elseif $forum->id == 15459}} <i class="fas fa-trash"> </i> {{else}} <i class="far fa-comment-alt"> </i> {{endif}} </div> {{endif}} {{endif}} {{if !$forum->redirect_on and \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} </a> {{endif}} tested on this theme :
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