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Head Guru

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Everything posted by Head Guru

  1. Upgrade to 4.4.2 - 4.4.0 has too many bugs in it.
  2. Do you Moderators have access too see the Archyvas forum?
  3. Which is why I am requesting it. Cause there is bugs in the current version.
  4. He informed he has it working now. Verified.
  5. I know that, it still takes you to IPS Marketplace to download it. There is a direct link to an old version 2 versions below the latest. So still need to download latest through IPS.
  6. No, I will send you a private message.
  7. You had a 500 Error on the latest version. And using PHP 7.0 is a no go. You needed to change it. Don't forget if the text box doesn't show up check your group permissions.
  8. Change it to either 7.1, but 7.2 would be best. And try again. Also, send me the link to your site in private if your not happy putting it public,
  9. What PHP version are you using?
  10. You should not have a member group there, having a member group gives them all moderator permissions. You should only have Administrators and Moderators.
  11. Just override all current files then go to yoursite.com/admin/upgrade and follow the instructions.
  12. Still make sure your group permission settings are set correctly, this is easy to overlook and can cause this issue.
  13. Have you set the group permissions properly? Can you post a screenshot of your permissions.
  14. Head Guru

    Question Discord & mIRC

    I am not sure if this is possible which is why I am asking as I haven't been able to find any info on it. I use mIRC with several IRC networks I assist in running and join. Can you use mIRC to join Discord and the WF channels? And if so how ... Thanks
  15. A new version of the Chatbox was released only a couple of days ago - It has fixed some bugs from 4.0.1. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7465-bim-chatbox-free/ Can someone please get this and upload it. As it is a free application. Many thanks.
  16. ** This is actually for IPS 4.4.2 ** Now I must be blind, but for the life of me I can not see this setting. But it has to be there somewhere. What I am wanting to do is put new comments on topics first, directly under the initial posted topic instead at the end of say page 5 pages. (This is what one of my Moderators is asking for). I personally don't really care cause only need to click on the icon next to the topic to go to the first unread post. But thought I would ask the question for reference anyway. Thanks in advance.
  17. It would be an issue with your themes coding. As you mentioned you are fixing the bugs on a 4.3 theme for 4.4 yourself. You should wait until your theme is updated properly by the developer and this will fix all the bugs.
  18. Thank you. I didn't even know that was there.
  19. That is for group color formatting around the board, not allowing the use of gifs for members.
  20. I will have a more in depth look at it when I get home in about 2 hours. If someone else hasn't help you sort it by then. I can't do much on my phone lol
  21. Have you run the support tool within the ACP? This clears everything and you don't need to touch your DB. Go to your ACP -- Support -- Something isn't working and continue. And see if that solves your issue.
  22. This is actually for IPS 4.4.2. What I am wanting to be able to do for example: When a Moderator deletes a topic/post instead of it being completely deleted it is moved to a particular forum instead. I know in older version of IPS we had the option of a Trash Can, but we don't have that anymore. Is there a way to be able to do this? Thanks in advance for your replies and help.
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